In order to guarantee a reliable USB connection to a host device (i.e. industrial PC) special attention
has to be paid:
• place a cable holder close to MMIMYK in order to keep USB connector firmly in place;
• USB cable length: <1 m;
• USB cable type: shielded, possibly with ferrite clamp;
• place MMIMYK and route USB cable far from noise sources (inverter, motors, contactors etc.);
• place ferrite clamps on RS485 and CANbus close to MMIMYK;
• For the fieldbus installation refer to
Power supply
12 vdc or 24 vac
Ferrite clamp
Cable holder
Fig 2 [Layout]
3.0 General
Data logging
For the data logging functionality in a fixed installation the 24 Vac power supply is the preferred one.
In case of powerfail MMIMYK has enough energy stored in order to save all the last acquired data to
the memory card.
USB gateway
In an electomagnetically noisy environment the reliability of the USB connection is highly dependent
on the USB host interface on the PC. Normally industrial PCs or User Interfaces have a high quality
interface that is suited for such applications. On the other hand low cost consumer products might be
subject to EMC/EMI problems and as a consequence have a non reliable USB connection.
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