Programming Guide
AK-SM 800
Quick Reference Guide
Viewing HVAC status
Main HVAC status screen for a unit:
1. Press Home-icon at upper-left corner
2. Select “Equipment”
3. Select “HVAC”
Viewing Cooling status
1. Press Home-icon at upper-left corner
2. Select “Equipment”
3. Select “HVAC” and select the
right-arrow of the unit to view
Viewing Heating status
1. Press Home-icon at upper-left corner
2. Select “Equipment”
3. Select “HVAC” and select the
right-arrow of the unit to view
Viewing HVAC settings
1. Press Home-icon at upper-left corner
2. Select “Equipment”
3. Select “HVAC” and select right-arrow
of the unit to view
4. Go to “Settings” tab
Manual HVAC Override
1. Press Home-icon at upper-left corner
2. Select “Equipment”
3. Select “HVAC” and select right-arrow
of the unit to view
4. Go to “Service” tab
5. Under “Auto/Manual Relays”, select relay
to be overridden (auto -> manual on/off)
6. Return “Manual On/Off” to “Auto” to
remove override
Miscellaneous / Leak Detectors
Viewing Leak Detectors
1. Press Home-icon at upper-left corner
2. Select “Equipment”
3. Select “Misc” and select the right-arrow
of leak detector to view
Viewing Energy Meters
1. Press Home-icon at upper-left corner
2. Select “Equipment”
3. Select “Misc” and select the right-arrow
of energy meter to view
Viewing Lighting status
1. Press Home-icon at upper-left corner
2. Select “Equipment”
3. Select “Lighting” and select the right-
arrow of the lighting zone to view
Viewing Lighting settings
1. Press Home-icon at upper-left corner
2. Select “Equipment”
3. Select “Lighting” and select
the right-arrow of the
lighting zone to view
4. Go to “Settings” tab in
Manual Lighting Override
1. Press Home-icon at upper-left corner
2. Select “Equipment”
3. Select “Lighting” and select the
right-arrow of the lighting zone to view
4. Go to “Service” tab
5. Under “Auto/Manual Relays”, select relay
to be overridden (auto -> manual on/off)
6. Return “Manual On/Off” to “Auto” to
remove override
Lights Dimming (if enabled)
1. Press Home-icon at upper-left corner
2. Select “Equipment”
3. Select “Lighting” and select the
right-arrow of the lighting dimmer
to view
4. View Status, Settings, and Service
as desired