B8961 and B8962 User Manual
Stop On Input
syntax - STn,n or ST#n,#n
n / a
R a n ge :
0-16 (Inputs)
# 1 , #2 (Axe s )
D e fa u l t :
n / a
S y n t a x e s
ST stops move execution upon activating the input specified by n.
ST0 disables (turns off) the STn command.
ST#1 stops move execution on axis #1.
S T,#2 stops move execution on axis #2.
ST#1,#2 stops move execution on both axe s .
ST#n functions identically to the STn command without the use of an input allow i n g
p ro gram command conditional motion term i n a t i o n .
After the ST command is exe c u t e d , the specified input is monitored during eve ry “ m ove
p ro fi l e .” If the imput is activa t e d , the current “ m ove in pro gre s s ”is term i n a t e d , stoping all
motion until the input is deactivated or a ST0 is pro c e s s e d . the dri ve will process and
calculate commands, but it will wait at the next GO command until the ST input
ch a n ge s .
The motor is stopped at the deceleration rate specified in the Stop Decel Rate setup
p a ra m e t e r. Once issued, Stop on Input remains active until it is turned off by the ST0
c o m m a n d , a reset is issued, or power is cycl e d .
E x a m p l e :M ove to absolute position of 6 distance units. If (A)>10, motion is stopped.
AC,1 VE25,25 DA6,6 GI
{ M ove to 6 absolute distance units and Go
I m m e d i a t e }
I F ( A ) > 1 0
{ C h e ck value of A (assume A was prev i o u s ly
d e fi n e d }
ST#1 TD1 ST, # 2
{Stop motion on axis #1 wait 1 sec. then stop
axis #2}
S T # 1 , # 2
{Stop motion on both axe s }
Time Delay
syntax - TDr
s e c o n d s
R a n ge :
r = .01 to 99999.99 seconds
D e fa u l t :
n / a
D e l ay r seconds befo re executing the next command.
E x a m p l e :
VE50 DI4 GO OT11 T D.5 OT 0 0
M ove 4 units, t u rn outputs 1 and 2 on, d e l ay .5 seconds, and turn outputs 1 and 2 off. S e e
a l s o : System va ri able (TIME), in
Chapter 7, P ro g ramming Your A p p l i c a t i o n
Содержание B8961
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Страница 132: ...B8961 and B8962 User Manual 130...
Страница 136: ...B8961 and B8962 User Manual 134 B8961 and B8962 Hardware Connections...
Страница 137: ...135 Chapter 8 Hardware Reference B8961 and B8962 Input and Output Schematics...
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