Linea Lite GigE Series Camera
Operational Reference
Select the counter start source. Counter increments from
0 to the value of the
Off Counter is stopped.
Acquisition Start
AcquisitionStart Counter starts on the reception of an Acquisition Start
Acquisition End
AcquisitionEnd Counter starts on the reception of an Acquisition End
Exposure Start
ExposureStart Counter starts on the reception of an Exposure Start
Exposure End
ExposureEnd Counter starts on the reception of an Exposure End
Rejected Trigger
InvalidTrigger Counter starts on the reception of an Invalid Trigger
Frame Start
FrameStart Counter starts on the reception of a Frame Start event.
Valid Frame Trigger
ValidFrameTrigger Counter starts on the reception of a Valid Frame Trigger
Line 1
Line1 Counter starts on the specified transitions on Line 1.
See Input Signals Electrical Specifications.
Line 2
Line2 Counter starts on the specified transitions on Line 2.
Line 3
Line3 Counter starts on the specified transitions on Line 3.
Timer 1 End
Timer1End Counter starts on the reception of the Timer 1 End event.
Counter 1 End
Counter1End Counter starts on the reception of the Counter 1 End
Counter Start Line
Selects the activation mode of the input line trigger which
starts the counter. This is only applicable when the
counterStartSource feature selects a physical Line.
Rising Edge
RisingEdge Starts counting on rising edge of the selected Line.
Falling Edge
FallingEdge Starts counting on falling edge of the selected Line.
Any Edge
AnyEdge Starts counting on the falling or rising edge of the
selected Line.
Counter Incremental
Select the event source which increments the counter.
provides details and timing
diagrams for the supported events.
Off Counter is stopped.
Acquisition Start
AcquisitionStart Counts the number of Acquisition Start events.
Acquisition End
AcquisitionEnd Counts the number of Acquisition End events.
Exposure Start
ExposureStart Counts the number of Exposure Start events.
Exposure End
ExposureEnd Counts the number of Exposure End events.
Frame Start
FrameStart Counts the number of Frame Start events.
Valid Frame Trigger
ValidFrameTrigger Counts the number of Valid Frame Trigger events.
Rejected Trigger
InvalidTrigger Counts the number of Invalid Trigger events.
Line 1
Line1 Counts the number of transitions on Line 1 (based on the
counterIncrementalLineActivation feature setting).
See Input Signals Electrical Specifications.
Line 2
Line2 Counts the number of transitions on Line 2 (based on the
counterIncrementalLineActivation feature setting).
Line 3
Line3 Counts the number of transitions on Line 3 (based on the
counterIncrementalLineActivation feature setting).
Internal Clock
InternalClock The counter increments on each microsecond tick of the
device internal Clock.
Timer 1 End
Timer1End Counts the number of Timer 1 End events.