Camera Performance and Features
Linea Lite GigE Series Camera
Information on the Sapera Flat Field Coefficients File
The Flat Field Coefficients File is a standard 16-bit TIFF file for both 8-bit and 12-bit acquisition
modes. If the Flat Field calibration is made while using a 12-bit buffer, the user Flat Field
Calibration coefficients file is applicable to both 12-bit and 8-bit acquisitions.
A Sapera application (such as CamExpert) creates a new SapBuffer object of the same width as the
sensor but with twice the number of lines. This provides the room to store both offset and gain Flat
Field data. The Flat Field offset data is contained in the top half of the new buffer, while the gain
buffer is in the bottom half.
A Sapera application saves the new buffer using the SapBuffer class Save function with the "-
format tiff" option, which allows saving data without loss of significant bits.
Important Factors about Flat Field Processing
Before calibration, the Linea Lite GigE should be powered on long enough
to achieve its nominal temperature (a minimum of 30 minutes). A low ambient
temperature may increase the time required for the camera to reach a stable internal
During calibration, no other Linea Lite GigE features should be accessed
or modified.
Calibration via CamExpert or via a User Application:
Exposure and frame rates
used during a Flat Field Calibration should be similar to the exposure settings used in
the camera application.