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Calibir GXM640 IR Camera User's Manual
General Troubleshooting for Calibir GXM640
The following sections outline general troubleshooting information that applies to all
Calibir 640 Series cameras.
Error Log File
Refer to the Error Log File section for information on retreiving the error log file.
Power Failure During a Firmware Update
Now What?
Don't panic! There is far greater chance that the host computer OS is damaged during a
power failure than any permanent problems with the Calibir. The firmware update
procedure was designed to be robust and handle power interruptions. When electrical
power returns and the host computer system has started, follow this procedure.
Connect power to the Calibir. The Calibir processor knows that the firmware update
The Calibir will boot with the previous version of firmware and will operate normally.
Perform the firmware update procedure (see File Access Control Category) again.
Power supply problems:
If the Calibir status LED is off, the power supply is not connected or faulty. Verify the
power supply voltage.
Camera is functional, but image has no contents
Aim the Calibir at an object with a temperature considerably higher/lower from
that of the ambient environment.
Using CamExert, set the PixelFormat to 8-bits. The camera should then generate
well-contrasted images.
Using CamExpert set the Calibir to output its Internal Pattern Generator. This step is
typically done for any camera installation to quickly verify the Calibir and its software
package. See the Internal Test Pattern Generator section for information on using
CamExpert to select internal patterns from Calibir.
Calibir GXM640 Troubleshooting
The following sections contain troubleshooting information specific to the Calibir GXM640
camera related to its network interface.
GigE Server Status
The GigE Server status provides visual information on possible Calibir GigE problems.
The three states are shown in the following table. Descriptions of possible conditions
causing an installation or operational problem follow. Note that even a Calibir installation
with no networking issue may still require optimization to perform to specification.
Table 33: GigE Server Tray Icon States
Device Not Available
Device IP Error
Device Available