DD3579616 Rev3
201 Daktronics Drive PO Box 5128 Brookings, SD 57006-5128
800-325-8766 605-692-0200 fax 605-697-4700
www.daktronics.com email [email protected]
Important Note:
The Galaxy
GS6 series display communicates with the control software differently than previous
generations of Galaxy displays. To ensure a smooth fire-up, please complete this checklist prior to
installing your Daktronics Galaxy GS6 Series Display.
Work with your IT Department/Network Professional to verify network configuration.
TCP port needs for display communication can vary based on what type of control system hosting has
been selected for the installation
Daktronics Hosted installation, which is the most common configuration, allows you to connect
and update your display from anywhere, including your mobile device. To facilitate this
communication, your Galaxy GS6 display must be connected to the internet through your
network. The following steps will ensure the pathway is open to allow the display to
communicate with the Venus cloud server.
Ports 80 and 443 must be open and allowed to reach venus.daktronics.com
Outbound traffic is required for operation
Inbound traffic may be restricted but will significantly limit any remote
troubleshooting by Daktronics Technical Helpdesk for future service needs
Port 85 is not required for display operation but may be needed for first time setup and
troubleshooting over the Local Area Network .
If an issue is encountered with the Daktronics-hosted Venus Control Suite account,
please contact Daktronics at 1-888-325-7446.
Local Hosted installation, which is a less common configuration, uses a copy of the software
installed onto the hard drive of a local customer PC.
Local Hosted installation will not have an account set up until the local server software is
installed on the computer that will be used to control the display.
Local Hosted installation will need ports 80 and 8811 open for LAN traffic and to reach
the local Venus Control Suite server.
The Local Hosted software can be found on the USB Drive which is shipped with the
display manuals. If this thumb drive has been lost, it can be downloaded from
Pre-Installation Checklist
Engage your IT Network Professional
Prepare a port to connect the display’s communication equipment to the network
Open Port 80 (if Daktronics Hosted)
Open Port 443 (if Daktronics Hosted)
Open Port 8811 (if Local Hosted)
If your IT Network Professional has set up your network using a Static IP scheme, choose an IP Address,
Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and DNS to assign to the display. Record Network Information here for
future reference: