Dakota RZ-2000 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание RZ-2000

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Страница 2: ...Instruction Booklet Bedienungsanleitung Mode d emploi Libretto d istruzioni Instrucciones DAKOTA 35 70mm Zoorn Lens By Quantaray ...

Страница 3: ...konnen unddieAufnahme gelingt LesenSiedieseBedienungsanleitung bitte l aufmerksam durchundSiehabenlangeZeitSpaBam Fotografieren mitdieserKamera i denndieAufnahmersesultate werdenstetsgutsein Noustenonsavanttout d vous remercieroouravoirport6votrechoixsur un de nos produits le DAKOTA RZ 2000 Compactet l6ger caract6ris6 parunemesured exposition TTL d pleineouverture cetappareilrenferme aussiquelques...

Страница 4: ...I I 10 11 14 17 12 1 13 3 2 15 16 5 7 6 3 ...

Страница 5: ...soire 9 HotShoe 10 Filmrrickspulkurbel l0 Manivellederebobinagedepellicule 10 FilmRewindCrank 11 Filmruckspulknopf 11 Boutonde rebobinage de 11 FilmRewindKnob Film Ruckwandentriegelung pellicule ouverture du compartiment de Compartment Opening 12 Einstellring ftlr pellicule Knob Filmgeschwindigkeit 12 Baguede r6glagede sensibilit6 du film 12 Filmspeed SettingRing 13 Skalafur l3 Echellede sensibili...

Страница 6: ...23 18 19 20 21 22 5 29 25 26 27 28 24 ...

Страница 7: ...fuhrungen 24 Filmtransportrolle 25 Ruckwand 26 Filmandruckolatte 27 Filmruckspulknopf 28 Filmaufwichkelspule 29 Filmtransoort Anzeigefenster 18 Oculaire du viseur 19 Axede rebobinage 20 Compartiment de pellicule 21 Couvercle de bompartiment piles 22 Filelagepour pied 23 Railsde guidage de pellicule 24 Rouedenteede transport de pellicule 25 Couvercle de compartiment de oellicule 26 Presse pellicule...

Страница 8: ...iseuntil it closesfirmly BatteryGheck 1 Movethe film advancelever 3 to the ready position 2 Partlypressthe shutterreleasebutton 2 Nowthe exposuremetering systemis switchedon Next lookthroughthe viewfinder Whenone of three LEDlamps O or lights thenbattery conditionis satisfactory lf no lamplights the batteries needreplacing or havebeen loadedincorrectly 3 Renewbothbatteriesas necessary 4 Whennot us...

Страница 9: ...liftupthe filmrewindcrank 10 Then rotatethe crankcarefully whilepushin it down lightlyuntilthe filmlockson the filmrewindshaft 1e 4 Returnthefilmrewindknobto itsoriginalposition 5 Insertthe filmleaderintothe grooveof the take up spool 28 and placeit so thatthe filmperforations engagewiththe spoolteeth 6 Checkthatthe filmperforations engageproperly withthe teethof sprockel 24 andthe filmslides smoo...

Страница 10: ... backcoverand pushit untila clickis heard Advancethe filma coupleof frames pressingthe shutterreleasebuttoneachtime untilthe frame counterindicates 1 lnthiscase the filmadvancelevershouldbe at the readyposition becausethe shutterreleaseis interlocked whenthe leveris in the stored position Thefilmrewindknobrotateseachtimethe filmis advancedmeaningthatthe filmis advancing properly 8 9 11 ...

Страница 11: ...e arrowindictoron the innerringpointsthe corresponding filmspeed ISO ASA valuewhichis seenthroughthe filmspeed scale swindow Filmspeed ISO ASA on the Filmspeed scale FiImgeschwindigkeit ISO ASA auf der FiImgeschwindigkeits Skala Sensibilit6de litm ISO ASA sur l 6chellede sensibilit6 de film 25 50 100 200 400 1000 1600 3200 I l I looloolooloolooo 12 13 www orphancameras com ...

Страница 12: ...ththe desiredvalue Withsettingat B bulb position exposure monitoring is impossible Withbrightersubjects fastmovingsubjectsor with the highervaluefilmspeedof thefilmused it is recommended to use highershutterspeeds In photography using telephotolenses usethe highestshutterspeedpossibleto avoidcamera movementaffecting yourpictures Generallyhigher thanthe samevalueof the shutterspeedas thatof the foc...

Страница 13: ...turnthe aperturering 14 to a smallerf value lf the greenLEDand red or marklight simultaneously it meansthatthe exposure settings areslightly over orunder butyoucan takethe picture Overexposure goodexposure under exposure UberbelichtungGute Belichtung Unterbelichtung surexposition bonne exposition sous exposition lll rll J Jl li u I I Slightly over l6gdrement surexpos6 Z l l I I Slightly under l6gd...

Страница 14: ...the shutterspeeddial untilthegreenC marklightsin the viewfinder lf the red marklights turnthe shutterspeeddialto the highershutterspeedsettingand if the red marklights thenturnthe shutterspeeddialto the 0verexposure good exposure under exposure 0berbelichtung Gute Belichtung Unterbelichtung surexposition bonne expositionso tl us exposition I I n t 1 1J t l t l z O O O O r l z r l z b r f t r t t l...

Страница 15: ...the lensfocusing ring 17 easilywith fingers 2 Holdthe camerabodylightly by holding grip 6 andplaceyourrightforefingerlightly on the shutterreleasebutton 3 PressyourleftBlbowlightlyagainstyourbody andlookthrough theviewfinder eyepiece 18 to steadythe cameraagainstyourface Then relax yourrightarmholding thegrip 4 Withtelephotolensesor lowershutterspeeds it is recommended to usea tripodand orremote s...

Страница 16: ...m collaroutside centerspot a brokenshimmering imageis seen whenit is out of focus and correctfocusis at the settingin whichthe imagebecomesclear andsharp 4 Focusing throughthe entiremattesurfaceof the viewfinder is alsopossible Inthiscase at the settingwherethe sharpestimageis obtained precisefocusingis secured 5 Choosethe mosteffective focusingmethodfrom the aboveaccording to the shootingsituatio...

Страница 17: ... Foldoutthefilmrewindcrank 10 andturnit in the direction of the arrow 4 Oncethe pressureeases the filmis completely wound intothe cassette 5 Liftup thefilmrewindknob 11 andpullit outto openthe backcover 25 Nowthe filmcassette can be takenout 6 Do thisin a placeawayfromdirectsunlight 8 bulb Setting 1 Withthe shutterspeeddial 1 set at B position the shutterwillremainopenfor as long as the shutterrel...

Страница 18: ...er 1 Windthe filmadvancelever 3 andfullyturnthe self timer lever 7 counterclockwise Nowthe self timeris readyto set 2 Pressthe shutterreleasebutton 2 andthe self timeroperates to releasethe shutterin approximately 10 secondslater 3 Oncethe self timer becomesreadyit is impossible to returnit manually So operateit onlywhenyou reallyneedit 4 The self timer is veryusefulwhenyou wishto includeyourselfi...

Страница 19: ...wthe instructions giveninthe manualof yourflashunit Depth of field 1 Whenyou arefocusingon a givensubject objectsin the foreground and background will appearacceptably sharpin the picture The rangein whichall objectsappear acceptably sharpin the pictureis called depth of field 2 To obtainthe depth of field scaleat different aperturesettings the depth of field scale 15 is used Thedepth of field sca...

Страница 20: ...t a distanceof 3m withthe apertureset at f 8 the depth of field can be obtainedby usingthe depth of field scaleas follows the valueson the distancescalecorresponding with the f valuesshownon the depth of field scale areapproximately 2 4mand4 5m respectively Thismeansthatall objectswithinthe range between2 4mand 4 5mdistancecan be reproduced acceptably sharpin the picturewith the apertureset attl8 ...

Страница 21: ...e subjectdistanceon the normal distance scale 16 thenalignit withthe infrared distanceindicator 3 Forinstance whenyou focuson a subjectat 3m in the normalmanner readoffthe value 3 on the focusingscaleand movethe focusingring untilthe infrared distanceindicator pointsto 3 4 Usethe redfilteralwayswhenattempting infraredphotography Forotherdetails concerning infraredphotography followthe instructions...

Страница 22: ... Accordingto the filmspeed ISO ASA you set the rangeof shutterspeed which synchronizes withthe autoexposure changes as follows 3 Synchronizes Synchronisiert Synchronis6 Notsynchronizes Nichtsynchronisiert nonsynchronise rso AsA Shutter speed VercchluRgeschwindigkeit Vitesse d obluraleur 25 1 1t2 1t4 1t8 1t151 30 1 601t1251t2501 500 50 1 1t2 1t4 1t8 1t151 301 601t1251t2501 500 1 1 000 100 1 1t2 1t4...

Страница 23: ...ure greenO markLED good exposureindication Bothred and greenO marks slightlyunder exposure red markLED underexposure warning Exposuremetering Fullaperture TTL metering system Centerweightedareameasurement Display overexposure underexposure warnings andgoodexposure indication Desired settingis obtainedby matching O mark zeromethod Measurement range ISO 100 21 Ev2 F2 1 s EV19 F16 1 2000s Filmspeedse...

Страница 24: ...ckwinkel horizontal undvertikal93 des tatsdchl ichenBildfelds Scharfeinstellung Ausrichtung der Halbbilder bei Horizontal Schnittbildindikator fernerdurch Mikroprismenring undgesamter Mattfldchenscheibe Anzeigeim Sucher Rote Marken LED Uberbelichtungswarnung Dierote unddie gruneC Markierung leicht tiberbelichtet GrtineC Marken LED GuteBelichtung Dierote unddiegrtineC Markierung leicht unterbelicht...
