Read before operation
Main operation screens (1/4)
HOME screen
The HOME screen is the operation hub for the simple touch controller.
From this screen, the operation status of a selected range of air conditioners can be monitored/configured.
[GROUP view (default)]
This view is used for Group control.
View switching tabs
to switch to the ALL GROUP view.
to switch to the ZONE view.
Group monitoring panels
Shows Group ON/OFF status, operation
mode, temperature, airflow/ventilation
rate, airflow direction, cleaning sign,
centralized control status, error sign, and
test operation sign.
Scroll sideways to see more Groups.
Select one of the Group monitoring panels
to view/configure operation settings for the
Tap to go to the SETTINGS screen.
(Page 11)
Current and the total pages of the
GROUP view
Today’s date and current time
Tap/swipe to go to the next page of the
Group monitoring panel list.
Operation details panel
Shows current setting for the selected
Tap to turn on and off the units included
in the selected Group. (Page 18)
Tap to set the operation mode for the units
included in the selected Group. (Pages 19, 20)
Tap to set the setpoint for the units
included in the selected Group. (Page 21)
Tap to set the airflow/ventilation rate for
the units included in the selected Group.
(Pages 22, 23)
Tap to set the airflow direction for the units
included in the selected Group. (Pages 24, 25)
Tap to set schedule timer for the units
included in the selected Group. (Pages 26-31)
Shows the address number of the selected
Group. (Page 45)
Shows centralized controlled status.
If this icon is highlighted in white, it means
upper central control devices are present
on the same air conditioning network.
Simple touch controller operations are
Tap to reset a setting change.
Tap to apply a setting change.