DH Network Camera
Product Construction Instruction Manual (Passenger Flow Solution)
3. Other
Passenger Flow Data Classification
Software data, hardware data.
Software data: The entry and exit data displayed on OSD.
Hardware data: Data in the summary table of passenger flow count over days, usually not
lost if written into the hardware FLASH.
Clear software data (without clearing hardware data):
None of the following actions clears the hardware data accumulated over days and
included in the passenger flow report:
The OSD display interface is cleared, meaning all OSD-overlapped entry and exit data is
cleared, in a typically manmade process.
Restores factory settings, in a typically manmade process.
The device clears data automatically at 23:59:59, before starting count for the next day.
If the device time is manually revised to the next day, OSD automatically clears data.
Clear hardware data
Be cautious because the passenger flow count data accumulated over time is cleared
upon any of the following actions.
If enabling Telnet clear settings, hardware data accumulated over days and included in the
passenger flow report is cleared.
Hardware restoration: A move completed by pressing down the RESET button on the chip
of the device after opening the dome camera cover; the passenger flow report data
accumulated over days is to be cleared in this move.
Data count cycle: The data count cycle in the report can be one year at longest; if this cycle
is surpassed, loop overwriting ensues by hour.
The data count cycle is one year at longest:
Starting from the enabling date to the same date next year.
Power-off restart: Power-off does not clear the OSD data on the very day or the hardware