© 2023 China Daheng Group, Inc. Beijing Image Vision Technology Branch 129
As shown in Figure 8-10, the camera with trigger mode OFF begins after receiving an AcquisitionStart
At point 1, the camera gets a command of setting trigger mode ON while it is in wait state. The trigger
mode is not active until the 3th frame is finished (including exposure and reading out), i.e., point 2. Please
note that the 3
frame does not belong to trigger mode. All trigger frames need trigger signals or soft-
trigger commands. At point 3, the camera gets a command of switching back to continuous mode. It is
also not active until the 5th frame is finished, it should wait a complete frame. The camera switches from
trigger mode to continuous mode at point 4 actually, and then the camera works in continuous mode.
Due to the limitations of the sensor’s working mode, when you use the MER-131-75GM/C-P, MER-
131-75GM/C, MER-031-300GM/C-P, MER-031-300GM/C, MER-050-200GM/C-P, and MER-050-
200GM/C, MER-133-54GM/C-P, MER-133-54GM/C cameras, you should pay attention to the
following items:
Avoiding switching the acquisition mode during acquiring an image.
After setting the trigger mode, you should wait for a period of time, at least, the time should be
longer than the sum of the current exposure time and the frame period, and then you can start
acquiring images.
Continuous Mode and Configuration
Continuous mode configuration
The default value of Trigger Mode is OFF in default user set. If the camera is opened with default user set,
the camera works in continuous mode directly. Otherwise, user can set Trigger Mode OFF to use
continuous mode.
Other parameters also can be changed in Trigger Mode OFF.
Continuous mode features
In continuous acquisition mode, the camera acquires and transfers images according to camera parameter
In continuous mode, ROI size, Packet delay may have effects on frame rate.
Software Trigger Acquisition and Configuration
Software trigger acquisition configuration
The camera supports software trigger acquisition mode. Three steps followed should be ensured.
Set the Trigger Mode to ON.
Set the Trigger Source to Software.
Send Software Trigger command.
All the software trigger commands are sent by the host through the Gigabit Ethernet bus, to trigger the
camera to capture and transmission images.