Daewoo SD-6200D Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1



Press [ ] button to power on.

• Press [VCR] button of the remote control to change into VCR mode. 
• Power on TV and select Ch 52 or reset channel, or press [TV/VCR] button to

select External Input mode. 

Insert a recordable tape.

Always insert a tape with recording tab. 

With [CHANNEL], [NUMBER] and [OUTPUT] buttons, select the desired
broadcasting channel or external input unit to record. 




Select the desired speed (SP or LP) with [SPEED]


Press [REC] button.

Then, it starts recording.  


If you want to pause recording, press [PAUSE]

After pressing [PAUSE] button, if the pause status
continues for five minutes, the recording is released


To exit recording, press [STOP] button. 








































To Record With VCR


DV6T721D-AQ/D_SD6200  02.5.31 9:33 AM  ˘

` 30   mac001  600DPI 80LPI

Содержание SD-6200D

Страница 1: ... 4Press REC button Then itstartsrecording 5Ifyouwanttopauserecording press PAUSE button Afterpressing PAUSE button ifthepausestatus continuesforfiveminutes therecordingisreleased automatically 6Toexitrecording press STOP button 7 VCR DVD REPEAT OPEN CLOSE DISPLAY TITLE PBC MENU PR PR OUTPUT PREV REC PROGRAM CLK CNT SPEED ANGLE TRACKING TV VCR MARK SEARCH SYSTEM PLAY PAUSE NEXT ZOOM AUDIO SUBTITLE ...

Страница 2: ...DplaysandVCRstartsrecording 1 2Toexitcopy press VCR buttonandthen button Ifnot DVDplaysagainandvideocontinuesto copy 3 To Enjoy Another TV Channel or DVD ThisproductincorporatescopyrightprotectiontechnologythatisprotectedbymethodclaimsofcertainU S patentsandotherintellectualpropertyrightsownedbyMacrovisionCorporationandotherrightsowners UseofthiscopyrightprotectiontechnologymustbeauthorizedbyMacro...

Страница 3: ...tononceforevery30minutesofprogramyouwishtorecord Upto tenhoursarepossible TocancelSimpleRecordingmode press STOP buttonmorethan5 seconds 1 2 3 WhenyoururgentbusinesshappenssuddenlyinwatchingTVoryouwanttorecordthecurrentTVprogram forthedesiredtime followtheproceduresbelow DV6T721D AQ D_SD6200 02 5 31 9 33 AM 32 mac001 600DPI 80LPI ...

Страница 4: ...djust Whentheprogramisencoded andyouhaveadecoder connectedtosocketEUROAV2 pressthe or toselect ONorOFF Changeorcreatethestationname 4 Onceyouseethestationyouwant storeit Tuneinfurtherstations fromstep3onwards orexittuning mode 5 PR PRESET AUTO SET MANUAL SET PR ERASE PR ALIGN PR SELECT OK CONFIRM SETUP END MANUAL SET PR UP DOWN SELECT OK CONFIRM SETUP END MANUAL SET PR01 ARD PR08 P 08 PR02 ZDF PR0...

Страница 5: ...region pleaserefer topage23 24 Shouldyouwishtosortorclearstations pleaserefertopage35 MANUAL SET PR SELECT OK CONFIRM SETUP END PR01 ARD PR08 P 08 PR02 ZDF PR09 P 09 PR03 P 03 PR10 P 10 PR04 P 04 PR11 P 11 PR05 MTV PR12 PR06 P 06 PR13 PR07 P 07 PR14 MANUAL SET PR UP DOWN SELECT OK CONFIRM SETUP END PR 01 RECEPTION AERIAL AUTOSEARCH CH01 FINE TUNING DECODER OFF NAME ____ MANUAL SET PR UP DOWN 0 1 C...

Страница 6: ...ton 2 Clearing programme locations Calltheplayer s MAINSETUP choose PRPRESET then PRERASE 1Selectthestation locationnumber youwantto clear Reviewthepicturebypressing button ClearbypressingOKbutton 2 PR ERASE PR SELECT PR VIEW OK ERASE SETUP END PR ALIGN PR ALIGN PR VIEW OK CONFIRM SETUP END PR01ARD PR08 P 08 PR02 ZDF PR09 P 09 PR03 P 03 PR10 P 10 PR04 P 04 PR11 P 11 PR05 MTV PR12 PR06 P 06 PR13 PR...

Страница 7: ...grammetimingsoverlap themachinewillgiveawarningmessage Ifyoudon tadjust thetimes themachinewillrecordthefirstprogrammecompletelythencontinuewiththe secondone Ifthereisnosufficientfreespacefortherecordingonthecassettethevideoswitches automaticallyto LP fordoublerecordingcapacity Therecorderwillejectcassetteswhichhavethesafetytabremoved PR SELECT AV1 AV2 0 9 SETUP PR CORRECT SETUP END PR START TIME ...

Страница 8: ...ber buttons Ifallsettingsareok press or untilyousee OK CONFIRM inthebottomline Confirmchangeswith OK Exitthemenus 2 TIMER PROGRAM PR START END DATE 03 21 20 22 20 14 10 01 18 10 20 30 20 10 PR SELECT OK CONFIRM SETUP END TIMER PROGRAM ONCE PR 03 START TIME 21 20 END TIME 22 20 START DATE 14 10 SAT TAPE SPEED SP VPS PDC ON 0 ERASE CORRECT SETUP END Though the VPS PDC ON is displayed on the screen t...

Страница 9: ...EREO ON Accessing counter zero position Theplayerwillwindtotheposition0 00 00andstop Remaining time and cassette length Calltheplayer s MAINSETUP choose TAPECONTROL Whenyouwanttheplayertoshowthetimeremainingfromthecurrentplayertapeposition tofindoutifthereissufficientspaceforarecording forexample Toensuretheremainingtimeshownisaccurate selectthelengthofcassettecurrently loadedbyselectingthisfuncti...

Страница 10: ...or STOP SETUP languages Calltheplayer s MAINSETUP choose VCRSETUP then LANGUAGESET Selectyourlanguage Confirm Child lock Pressthe buttonforabout5seconds NobuttonsoffrontpanelcanbeoperatednowandLOCKINDICATOR LOCK willbe displayedonwindowdisplay Keepyourremotecontrolinasafeplace Toreleasechildlock pressanybuttonoftheremotecontrol LANGUAGE SET ENGLISH DEUTSCH ITALIANO ESPAÑOL FRANÇAIS NEDERLANDS SVEN...

Страница 11: ...omandwiththecassetteinitscover Youcanprotectyourpreciousrecordingsfrombeingwipedbybreakingoutthesafetytab onthesideofthecassette somecassetteshaveaslide Shouldyouwishtore usethetapeafterremovingthetab covertheholewithadhesive tape and Dimmer Yourplayer dimsitsdisplaywhenswitchedtostand bymode Autopoweroff Yourplayerswitchestostand bywhennotapeisplayedandnostationisreceivedformore than5minutes PAL ...

Страница 12: ...ting Whenyouswitchtoanotherstationorthe currentstationchangesthesoundmode yourplayerdisplays theprogrammeandsoundmodeonscreen ifnot press AUDIO STEREO stereo BILI BILII bilingual nothing monauralsound DuringPlayback theplayerdisplayswhatisrecordedonthe cassette ifnot pressAUDIO Hi Fi stereo bilingual nothing monauralsound STOP SP PR10 EURO STEREO ON PLAY SP Hi Fi L R Choice of sound output SD 6200...

Страница 13: ...theTVtothetestpictureusingthechannelpre setfunctionsofyourTVasdescribedinitsmanual Whenyouhavefoundthetestpicture storeitunder thebuttonnumberonyourTVforplayerinput Pressthe OK buttonoftheplayer sremotecontrol againlongerthan5secondstoreleasethetest picture 1 IfthequalityofthetestpicturetransmittedtotheTVis poorduetointerferencecausedbyastation transmittingonchannel52 youcantunetheplayerto adiffer...

Страница 14: ...ideo selectitsAVinputandsetthe machinetorecord Switchyourplayertoplaybackatthepositionyouwant copyingtostart TV otherVCR OtherVCR DecoderforPay TV Camcorder VideoPlayer SatelliteReceiver AudioAmp devices Assembling Shouldyouwishtoassembleyourownfilm fromcamcorderfootageforexample usetheassemblytechniquefor smootheditpoints Movethetapetothepositionatwhichthenewscene istobeaddedusingtheplayfunctions...

Страница 15: ...utton playspeedchangeslikethebeloworders x2 x4 x8 x20 x2 Alsoyoucanreturntonormalspeedbypressing button 1Press buttontostartreversefast playinplaying Everytimeyoupressthebutton reverseplayspeedchangeslikethebeloworders x2 x4 x8 x20 x2 Alsoyoucanreturntonormalspeedbypressing button 2 Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DVD buttononthe remotecontrol Beforesettingit youshouldchange...

Страница 16: ...sing button ForthecaseofSVCDorVCD Slowplaybackisavailable 1Press buttontoreverse playitslowinPAUSE Everytimeyoupressthebutton slowreverse playspeedchangeslikethebelow orders 1 2 1 4 1 8 1 2 Alsoyoucanreturntonormalspeedbypressing button 2 Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DVD buttononthe remotecontrol DV6T721D AQ D_SD6200 02 5 31 9 33 AM 45 mac001 600DPI 80LPI ...

Страница 17: ...tonaftermovingacursorto PlayProgram Then titlesandchapters track areplayedinthe above programmedorder 2 Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DVD buttononthe remotecontrol AvailableonlyinSTOP Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DVD buttononthe remotecontrol Mode1 DVD Program Title Chapter T C T C T C T C 1 4 7 10 2 5 8 11 3 6 9 12 Clear ALL Play Program Mode1 DV...

Страница 18: ...P ENTER button Then thecurrentchapterisrepeated 2Press REPEAT buttononemoretime Moveacursorto Title with button thenif therightfigureappears press SETUP ENTER button Then thecurrenttitleisrepeated 3Press REPEAT buttononemoretime Moveacursorto Off with button thenifthe rightfigureappears press SETUP ENTER button REPEATmodeisoff 4 Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DVD buttononth...

Страница 19: ...ecurrentdiscisrepeated RepeatplaybackofdiscisonlyavailableinPBC OFFmode 3 Press REPEAT buttononemoretime Moveacursorto Off with button thenifthe rightfigureappears press SETUP ENTER button REPEATmodeisoff 4 Mode VCD Repeat A B Track Disc Off Mode VCD Repeat A Track Disc Off Mode VCD Repeat A B Track Disc Off Mode VCD Repeat A B Track Disc Off Mode VCD Repeat A B Track Disc Off Press SETUP ENTER bu...

Страница 20: ...VD Title 1 2 Chapter 006 1 8 Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DVD buttononthe remotecontrol SEARCH DVD with time Whileinplaying press SEARCH button twice Search2 screenliketherightfigureappears Itshowstotalhours Pleaseenteranewhourstosearchwith NUMBER buttons 1Incompletingentering pleasepress SETUP ENTER button PLAYstartsfromtheselectedposition 2 Beforesettingit youshouldchan...

Страница 21: ... with time Whileinplaying press SEARCH button twice Search2 screenliketherightfigureappears IncaseofPBCOFF Itshowscurrenttrack stimeandthewholedisc s hours Pleaseenteranewhourstosearchwith NUMBER button IfitisPBCON onlythetrack stimeappears 1 Search2 VCD Track Time 00 03 20 Disc Time 00 48 31 Incompletingentering pleasepress SETUP ENTER button PLAYstartsfromtheselectedposition 2 Search2 VCD Track ...

Страница 22: ...r timeelapsedandREPEATmode 1 Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DVD buttononthe remotecontrol Display DVD Title1 2 Chapter 5 8 Time 00 45 00 Repeat Off Whileinplaying press DISPLAY button Itshowsadisctype thecurrenttrack time elapsedandREPEATmode 2 Display VCD Track 2 12 Time 00 45 00 Repeat Off DV6T721D AQ D_SD6200 02 5 31 9 33 AM 51 mac001 600DPI 80LPI ...

Страница 23: ...a userpresses SUBTITLE button English ENG French FRE Japanese JAP Korean KOR andothersappearone byone Ifauserpresses OFF button subtitledoesnotappearon screen Subtitle 1 3 ENG Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DVD buttononthe remotecontrol Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DVD buttononthe remotecontrol Selecting 3D Audio Pleasepress CLEAR 3D button Ifpress...

Страница 24: ...ushouldchangestatusintoDVDbypressing DVD buttononthe remotecontrol X2 Different Angle Ifadiscincludesmultiangleinformation ausercanwatchascreeninmultiangles Thefunctionislimitedtoa DVDdiscsupportingmultiangleinformation Keeppressing ANGLE buttontillthepreferred angleappears Everytimeauserpresses ANGLE button anangle degreeschangesinaconsecutiveorder Beforesettingit youshouldchangestatusintoDVDbypr...

Страница 25: ...ywith thesamemethod 2 Playing a memorized scene Press MARK button Memorizedbookmarkappearsonscreen 1Moveittopreferredbookmarkbypressing button movestothebookmarkposition Inthemoment press SETUP ENTER buttonto playit 2 Bookmark DVD A01 30 10 B01 40 00 C Bookmark DVD A B C Bookmark DVD A01 30 10 B C Bookmark DVD A01 30 10 B01 40 00 C BOOKMARK functionduringthe discplaybackof SVCDorVCD2 0is onlyavail...

Страница 26: ...peratedwith TITLE PBC button VCD2 0 Press TITLE PBC button Everytimepressing TITLE PBC button PBCfunctionturnsONandOFFoverand over Menuscreenonlyappearswhenselecting PBCON CDandVCD1 1donotsupportthefunction 1 DVD Moveacursortoarelativeitemwitharrowbuttonsof buttonandselectonewith SETUP ENTER buttonor PLAY button VCD2 0 Selectanumberofmenuscreenandpress SETUP ENTER button Ifyouwatchamoviewithoutmen...

Страница 27: ...mLanguage whichiscoveredwith toVideo AudioandOthers Press and forthemovement amongmenusandpress and forthe selectofamenu 1 Incompletingsettings press RETURN OK buttonor SETUP ENTER button 2 WhileSTOPorResumeSTOP press SETUP ENTER buttontosetmenus Language Video Audio Others OSD Language English Audio English Subtitle English Disc Menu English English Gernan Italian Spanish French Dutch Swedish Fin...

Страница 28: ...inEnglish 4SelectingaDISCMENUlanguage PleasesetitasthepreferredDISCMENU language IncasetheDISCMENUlanguageis setandrecordedintheDISC itisautomatically playedinthesetlanguageineveryplaying For example EnglishissetandrecordedasaDISC MENUlanguageintheDISC itisplayedin English 5 Ausercansetalanguageofmenusinadisc audioandsubtitle Language Video Audio Others OSD Language English Audio English Subtitle ...

Страница 29: ...TPUT AusermayselectaVIDEOOUTPUTbetween RGBandS Video 4Selectingabrightdegree Ausermayselectabrightdegreeofascreen TherearetwochoicesofNormalandBright 5Selectingavividdegree Ausermayselectavividdegreeofascreen Therearethreeofchoices Normal Softand Sharp 6 Language Video Audio Others TV Aspect 4 3 PS TV Type PAL Video Out S Video Brightness Normal Sharpness Normal 4 3 PS 4 3 LB 16 9 Wide Language Vi...

Страница 30: ...similar tomultichannel sound functionsupportedinTVorVCR 2mono channelscanbecombinedintototal4values Stereo L Mono R MonoandMixedMono 3 Ausermayselectaudiomenuaccordingtoauser sspeakerset WhileDISCSTOPorResumeSTOP press SETUP ENTER button 1 Stereo outputsleft channeland rightchannelto leftspeaker andright speakerrespectively L Mono outputsleftchanneltoleftspeakerandrightspeaker R Mono outputsrightc...

Страница 31: ...es dependingonwatchingenvironment loud soundshouldbeheardlouderwhilesoftsound shouldbeheard softer Likewise very softsound isnotaudible andviewersshould raisethesoundlevel Set Off toview aprograminthe dynamic rangeasrecorded indisc Ifyou hear loudsoundsofterandsoftsoundlouder seta suitablevaluebelow Full 4 Language Video Audio Others Digital Out Bitstream Dual Mono Stereo Dynamic Range Off Full 3 ...

Страница 32: ...tdefaults Ifyouselectdefaults everyfunctionsetreturnsto FACTORYdefaultsexceptPARENTAL 5SelectPARENTAL Itconsistsof8levelsofviolence sexualscene strongsexualsceneandotherstoprotectchildren fromwatchingthosescenes 6 WhileDISCSTOPorResumeSTOP press SETUP ENTER button 1 Language Video Audio Others OSD On Angle Mark On Screensaver On Defaults Reset Parental 8 Unlock On Off Language Video Audio Others O...

Страница 33: ...onlywhenaDVDdisc includesPARENTALinformation Forexample ifausersettlesthe6thlevel 7thor 8thleveldisccannotbeplayed Forthechangeofauser spassword pleasemove to CHANGEPASSWORD andenternew password 2 Language Video Audio Others OSD On Angle Mark On Screensaver On Defaults Reset Parental 8 Unlock Password Language Video Audio Others Parental 8 Unlock Change Password 1 Kids Safe 2 G 3 PG 4 PG 13 5 PG R...

Страница 34: ... DVD R Possible DVD Video DVD ROM Impossible DVD RAM Impossible DVD RW Impossible Photo CD Impossible REGIONMANAGEMENTINFORMATION ThisunitisdesignedandmanufacturedtorespondtotheRegionManagementinformationthatisrecorded onaDVDdisc Theregionnumberofthisplayeris 2 IftheregionnumberdescribedontheDVDdiscs doesnotcorrespondtotheRegionnumberofthisplayer theplayerwillnotplaythisdisc Thisplayerwill playDVD...

Страница 35: ...edwiththechapter number TITLE ItmeanstheinformationrecordedinaDVD ADVDcanbedividedintomaytitles TRACK ItmeanstheinformationrecordedinavideoCDandaudioCD Adiscconsistsofmanyatrack for whichausercansearchacertainposition dts DigitalTheatreSystemisa5 1 channelsurroundsoundsystem whichiswidelyusedinmovie theatresaroundtheworld Itenablesthebitratetobeincreasedtoprovidegoodsoundquality MultiAngle SomeDVD...

Страница 36: ...ofsolventsuchasthinner benzol benzene commercial cleaninggoodsorantistaticsprays Downmix DOWNMIXisreproducingtheproperaudiowhenaudioformatrecordedonadiscdiffersfromthe outputaudiochannelconfiguration Forexample withjustonestereospeakersystemyoucanhear full5 1channelaudio S VIDEO TheS VIDEOoutputseparatesthecolor C andluminance Y signalsbeforetransmittingthemtothe TVsetinordertoachieveasharperpictu...

Страница 37: ...singit 2 Donotuseitbecauseitmaydeveloptroublesofaplayeror videotape What is a record tab of a videotape Thetabonavideotapeenablesausertorecordandpreventsthe recordedareafromrerecording Torecordit ausershoulduseavideotapewithatab Ifauserinputavideotapewithoutatabtorecord thevideotapeis ejectedautomatically Inordertoavoidarecordedareatobererecorded atabshouldbe removed Torerecordarecordedvideotape p...

Страница 38: ...ntaminatedhead s itshowstheconditionstonoticethe contaminationonscreen Incaseofthenoticeonscreen pleaserubtheheadswithahead cleanerfollowedby Howtouseahead cleaner How to use a head cleaner Incaseofaoldorcontaminatedvideotape screenmaynotbecleanfromthecontaminationofplayerheads Pleaseremovecontaminantsusingahead cleanerlikebeloworder 1 Insertahead cleanerintoplayer 2 Press PLAY for5seconds andthen...

Страница 39: ...secheck AUDIO items DidyouturnonyourTVsets Didyouconnectthepartsinrightway Theplaymaybein PAUSE Adiscmayhavesomecontaminantsorbedamaged Adiscmaybebadone PleasechecktheconnectionwithDolbyDigitalamplifier Pleasechecktheplugsareconnectedwithoneanothertightly Somecontaminantsmayberemainedinconnectionterminal Pleasecheckthedegreeoftheremotecontrol distanceorany interruption Batterymaybeweakorexhausted ...

Страница 40: ...otecontrolwhetheritis exhaustedornot ADVDmaynotcontainmenuinformation TherecordermaynotcoincidewithyourTVsystem Please press SYSTEM tomatchtoTVsystem Adiscmayhavesomecontaminantsorbedamaged IfyouplaybackaDVDdiscofNTSCsystemwhoseregioncode is ALL theplaybackscreenmayshake ThefilenameofMP3recognizeonlytheAlphabet A Z a z numbers 0 9 andaspecialsymbolonkeyboard and10letterscanbedisplayedinmaximum The...

Страница 41: ...ssing TV VCR buttonontheremotecontrol Avideotapeisnotinputtedin Oninputtingavideotape thetape isre ejected Avideotapeisnotejected Inputandejection Pleasecheckwhetherapowerplugisinsertedinanelectricoutlet Pleasecheckwhetheravideotapeisin Pleasecheckwhetheravideotapeisinsertedinarightdirection asideoftransparentwindowshouldbeontheupside Haveyouinputtedavideotapeagainjustafterthetapewas ejected Pleas...

Страница 42: ...einplaying Tofixtheproblem pleasehorizontaladjustment Ascreenisnotclear Ascreenatpauseistremblingor slowscreenisnotclear Play Incasevideotapeistheonerecordedbyotherproductsorold one stripemayappearonthescreen Trytoadjustthescreenby TRACKING button Trytouseahead cleaner Trytouseahead cleaner Trytoadjustthescreenby TRACKING button Recording RecordingaTVprogramis impossible Forrecording youshouldusev...

Страница 43: ...therthetimerrecordinginfoisright Pleasecheckatabonatapewhetheritisbrokeornot Ifitwas broken pleasescotch tapeit Wasacabledataoutputcodeconnectedcorrectly Wereaconvertermanufacturersetupandoutputchannelright Didyouenterapassword Pleasecancelit Didyouturnoffyourplayer Pleaseturniton Youmaynotmemorizechannels Pleasecheckyourchannelsettingorpressanumberbutton Sometapesordiscsdistributedinthe marketfor...

Страница 44: ...elected Others Areyouplayingatapethatisnotrecordedinthisrecorder Try torecorditwiththerecorder Youmaystartrecordingitin REC PAUSE Pleasestartrecording itfromstopcondition Pleaseselect CABLE not NETWORK fromthe CHANNEL SETTING DV6T721D AQ D_SD6200 02 5 31 9 34 AM 73 mac001 600DPI 80LPI ...

Страница 45: ...R 2Vrms DVD RCAJACK AUDIOoutput DVDonly AnalogueAUDIOoutput 2 0Vrms Digitalaudiooutput OPTICAL COAXIAL Playabletape VeryhighdensetapeswithVHSmarks Playabledisc DVD VIDEO CD CD 12mm CD 8mm MP3 CD R CD RW Tapespeed SP 23 39mm s LP 11 70mm s Playtime SP 2hrs LP 6hrs useofE180tape Clockdisplay 24hrs TimeRecording 8programsayear Persistenceinpowerfailure 1min VIDEOS N VCR Over43dB Standardrecording Res...

Страница 46: ...he others 75 Region Code TheproductandallDVDdischaveregioncodes Soifbothcodesarenotcoincidedeachother itdoesnotwork Legioncodesarelikethebelow DV6T721D AQ D_SD6200 02 5 31 9 34 AM 75 mac001 600DPI 80LPI ...
