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Содержание Abacus 64

Страница 1: ... _ _ Installed by 1 SYST EMS Manufactured in the u K by F i I f i j www ukpanels com ...


Страница 3: ...ptB Kmads Fire _ PA Fua Pall Chime OFF Oelele IS oqtJIr9d YOUR ALARM COMPANY S TElEPHONE NUMBER 14t m2 Psk 081 139637 BBSftt ModEI Customer Engineer Code Entry Time Exlt T1 EmlfDeIay _ AJI times areIn seconds K8yhOt1el Name US8fUtwel T II No T18fled Dam By For Example Gordon Walker Mastel PIR Movemenl Deleclor Door Contacts Vibration Detector Smoke Detector Remole Keyped Panic BUllon Zone Number C...

Страница 4: ... flnalexll zone This Isthe last zonetobedosed on ex and he ftrst zonato be opened on entry normally 1he front doc I I In most alarm Installations one ormomoftheremalnlngalannzones 111 have beenprogra med byyourInslaller as an 1 1 ExlVEnlryRoute Zone I This Is the area ofyour premises thetyou require topassthrough after selling thealarm panel on ex ofbefore un setllng iIle panel on entry typically ...

Страница 5: ... type 01pnomises he level of protection raquinad the general envlionment surrounding the property end he budget avallable Your atarrn InslaDatlon company will have advised you on the best type 01 prolae tlon lor your particular raqutraments ZONES AND SENSORS Buld1ngs are divided InlO ZONES Ydllch are monKorad or guarded by SENSORS also known as detectors or PIR s Those are conneded to the COlltrol...

Страница 6: ...d GENERAL DESCRIPTION II ABACUS CONTROL PANa The basic Abacus system compriseSacontrol panelcomplete with at leastonekeypad on bo rd orremote III To enable the user to operate the aJann syst at convenient 1 locations throughout lhe pre up to 6 ad dltionBl remote I keypadscanbofttted to the system In addition to themeln control p e1 II The alannsystem responds to simplecommands Ichareentered I thro...

Страница 7: ...armto sound the outsldesirenor bel Each sensot can OON be tested by deHbemle action such as openinge dooror walidng In fronl of a detectorandlistening foran audiblelone Bal AND STROBES ABell1m strobe unit oranele tronlcslrenInplaceolthe bell may be ntted This Is normally powered fom the control panel power supply unlEoss powerlo thebetthas beenC JI Inwhlch caseIIle bell will conl1nue with tis own ...

Страница 8: ... can programme selec1 ed alarm zones as Chlme Zones These zoneswillad asnormal slannzones When thesystemIsset however ifa Chime Zone ls opened o actlvated When thesystem Is unset the sounder will emtt approximately six s rt Intennlttenl tones Thisfacility Is usefultoInfonntheoocupler th lsomeonehas entereda protected zone durtng normal unset hOjlIS For example a shop keeper can be alerted to the p...

Страница 9: ...ssag l Is sent VIa the convnunlcalorto tho centfBlstation towam 01 a personalal1ackand to InftJate Police clIon Antl fiddle Alarm In orderto prohlbll ny attemptto gain una nwrised aa essto tho larm system atunalarm When set or Intemal alarm wtJan unsel willoccurnmoreth n twenlylive buttonsampressed v 1thln apreset period Somo 01 the functlono end operatlono IIsled In this manuel oro not available ...

Страница 10: ...ET orDAY mode On someAbacussystems a s a1 feature wasIncluded which If the I aol ai lJ prompt was displayed and you did not respond wlllilli8YE PART button within 5 seconds the system would go Into the SET routine automatically This was to guard against the User accidentally forgeltlng to press the YESIPART button Bad ht Iftherelsan ExKfauKatthe endoftheexKtlme orafauKona Non EntryIExK Zone at the...

Страница 11: ...a Displaywin show 1 20101 18 10 SET1Enleryour 4 516 l1g Pass System J Code Note stands for your number 0 to g If all Is well and correct and there a no fauns to report on the system the display will show the Oate andTIme only andthefast Intermment tone will stop 1 20101 12 35 I Syetem Off I j I I i I Ti n l Stem was Part Setdlling the last SET period For EXlmpte Th Upstairs are disermed when let Z...

Страница 12: ...ormal Leavethe building andlockthe finalexit door Some systems willalsoneedthe ExIttermlnalorbutton alsocalled a Push10 set to bepressed to setthesystem ThIs 1s normally sfted outsidethennalexftdoorandlooks likea door bell button PressthisonceandWa for the toneto slop When the sounder stops the system Is SET Yourpremises arenowsecure The system mey also be SET with a code and UNSE with a keYSWltch...

Страница 13: ...1 Insertthe Keyand retumthe I sy back 10 rs nonnal12 O clo I I t 1 posIlkI andwithdrawthe key r Ifthe keYSWltch Isalreedyln the normal 12 O dock i poslIIon Insertthe key tum ndockwtse watt 1 se ond and then retumthe keybackto n s normal1Z O dock position and wtlhdraw the key I IiaJll n and colT9Cl and there are no fauns to report on the t sys1em the displaywlU show the Day and Timeonly and thefast...

Страница 14: ...F Ensuretherequired statusIs dlsplayed theWOrtl OFF Isdisplayed on the display thenlidszoneIsomittedfrom thesystem whennext set Press the YESIPART key to contlrm thedisplay will utomalJcally change to the nextAnla or Zone that maybe programmed to be ommlIable Once the displayedzone Is CXlITeC 10yourlequlreffientsand all the Areasand Zonesareprogrammedtoyourrequirements thenPress the GlESC key Hell...

Страница 15: ...a NO key AI U1Is Menu p lhe key 2 Chlme 10 bflng up Chime Control menu 2 T05t 4 Day 1 Code 2 Chlme 3 T1me 4 Eng Hello John Sat System 1 Prog 3 Log 1 1ThenpI9SS the NO k y again l 0mlt Zone PressIhe NO keyto alternate betweenONand OFF then pressthe YESIPART key when satislled WIIh he selection The screen will change 0 displaythes1atus of Zone 1 I Fx BACKDOORI If you wanl to change lhe previously pr...

Страница 16: ... CODE MASTER USER CODE USER TYPES For Master Users Only to program PROGRAMrJllNG CODES II General Dascription of Coda Numbars and Typea II The system allows tor the allocation of a minimum of Pass Code numbers Each number Is also allocated a Type plasstflcatlon which enables Kto havegreater or lesseraccess to the system The highestsecurflyclasslflcatlonIsthe MASTER pa s Code and only the holder of...

Страница 17: ... D YESIPART j j YES PART YES PART Press Ihe YES PART key to nil any remelnlng spaces and advance 10 the next code to be programmed Press the YES PART key lf the following Ieuer Is on Ihe same key A Cl ANER CODE This code allows a cleaner tosel and unset aft cleaner zonestor aa ass lndudlng hoSeIn areas bUldoes notgive oonlroloflhe full sysIem For this code 10opert e 1116 SystemArea must be sal The...

Страница 18: ...YESlPARTkey IoftAanynomalning spaoesandadvanoo to the next code to beprogrammeid I Press the YESIPARTkeY lIthe foRowfng letter 10 on the same keY I When the code display Is to your saUsfacllon conDmn wtth YESIPART key to advance to the next screen Ie Gode 2 and repeal process unllan the codes requlnld are programmed then pressOIESC key thenlhe key 4 Day to relurn IhDAY mode I NNIl I l t7 AIthis Pr...

Страница 19: ...n be returned to DAY modo 10 onable the program 10 erasethe code Nowtry to enter tho old eo klto ensure II has been erased Press the D kay l code 5elect the codolhal you wish todoloto by pressing the YESlPART kay untBtha d _ code Is displayed CodeS AJ ter CHRIS IMPORTANT NOTES ON CODE PROGRAMMING 1 Code 1 Is always a Masler code and was Initially factorysol poor to shipment at 1234 56 2 Onoo the M...

Страница 20: ... have unlnhlb lted access to reprogrammingyoursyslem withoutyourpermtssson nproceed as fonows II WIlen altha menu below i I E 9In r Code I t Iii Press tha NO key then the seresnchanges to dlspl8Y lthe currenl slaws of tha Engln lnhlblt Engln r Acce Is Locked ok I I lithe displaysilo locked thismeanstheengineercanonlygain access Yo1th yourpermission orthaIofanotherMasterCode hokler Press Ihe NO key...

Страница 21: ...est menu I Wslk Test Pressthe D key 1 20ne lIyouWlshto perrorm a Walktesl IOmit ALL Zones IPress the NO key lithe YESIPART or GIESe keyIs pressedat this screen an the zones will ba omllled from thewalk tost This mode Is used bythe engineerto tum off all the zonestotostone particular drcull Proceed wIIh the test by walldng lrIo each protected zone and dlecldng that the Internal sounderIsactivatedea...

Страница 22: ...m thewhole system befoAl ftcanbe re saclired Pressing he YESIPART kay WIll displaylhe cause of the al3rm blIelly e g Fromhere pAlSS Ihe OIESCtwice 10 Allum10 the DAY mode A Inactive B 12 3 1 Zone 2 8ell 3 Comm 4 Actlve 1 PrOg 3 Log Bell Test Thisfuncllon willIes the exlemalBel SIren and StrObe Ighl ITest ITo opeI1Ile this tesl press the kay 2 Bell from the lest menu The exlemal alarm devicesWIll s...

Страница 23: ...Dirt ofW el TIme rDate Zone State 200121 15 00 CctA 6A Nile STORES ZoneTYP Te Descl1ptlon ZoneNumber Inatypical display asshown above the uppal partshows thaDate the Time 2 dock and Ille State 01 the Zone or CIfcuR Greell Mch Mean TIme GMT orWinterTime Is uSed thlOllllhout to avoid havingto change the cb l twiceayear The lowerpartshows the Zone Number the Zone Type and the Zone Name Ifmorethan8 ch...

Страница 24: ...sthe YESIPART kay Wthe dlsplaYthenchangesto It mlY tlke Ivlrll houro for In Ingineer to call e ecllny at palik time like FridlY night and dUllng Itorms or extend4lld power failures In this casecontactyouralarm company 10 as for an engineerto resetyouralarmsystem NlllL Not all Abacuscontrol panelscan display the engineers telephone number Have ready your account numberand a suitable time tor an eng...

Страница 25: ... e Alarm sensor wUlcausa the extemal bells to110g andthe sounder 10 pulseet2 second Intervals To c1earthe Frn Alarmcondition and resettheFlrO 50r swftcll lhe systemlelT lOrar1li Into the Walldest Mode II the TAMP or THBL messages appear always contactyour alarm company 46 The ayatem may go into full alarm sometime aner eight hours fro m Mains foilure depending on the eize and capacity of the batte...

Страница 26: ...d nuriltMir 2 19 18 P M 00 seconds The alarm was turned on by Paul at 7 55 AM 30 seconds and al lceypad number 1 on 1102094936 K1 Duress Paul 1102094732 Duress 2001 211800 on K2 Master CHRIS 2001 075530 On K1 Master PAUL i on IAlarm swllched olf by he opUonal kay swttcIl 1102100424 BAD Kitchen Door 1602155026TRBL No Ton 1002181924 4A Nlte Hall Plr XI Detector No 4A was omitted or on Test when the ...

Страница 27: ...matJcally rearm afterthe Walch Dog However nnIs unset a short bleep wOJ be 1eanland the syslem wtll return to the Day mode The programming of the control panel wtll remain wtIhIn the permanenl memory of the panel bUt the dale and lime will noed Ie programming If Ihe panel pertonns this func1Jon often contact your alarm company for advice The Ume was changed al 13 55 and 28 seconds on the 16th Febr...

Страница 28: ...ou do Mt llave a prtnter donotusethisfeatute 11IIsprtniedusercode listwtD beslmDartotheexample givenbelow Code 00 Used j i I 1 I i I t I Code 02 iUsed A a 1 Paul Code 03 Used Cln AlIson Cllpyr gllt Thocopyl1ghl ollhls publlc8l1on ISlho property01 DA Syllleml lligllel Audto UmlIedj 000 no pertIll 0011I_ shell be reproduced _lhelDTllllU1YS written pennlsslon Ma rrtAOanCQ Everyetfof1 has made to ensu...
