Getting Started with D-Star
Before you can get started on D-Star, you should first register with your local repeater. Actually
you can talk through the repeater without registering, but once registered your details are
automatically propagated around the D-Star network allowing you to access all the gateways and
repeaters worldwide. You should only register through one repeater and usually you register
though the repeater closest to you.
The W8SHI registration page is
Setting up your Radio
D-Star radios work in a similar manner to conventional FM radios in that you have to set the
operating frequency and any repeater shifts. However, Instead of using CTCSS or tone burst to
access repeaters, D-Star radios use programmed call signs:
- this is normally set to your (or your club's) call sign.
L - this is the call sign of the person you wish to talk to (or CQCQCQ).
- the call sign of the repeater system you are using (followed by the letter designating the
band, C = 2m, B = 70cms, A = 23cms).
- either the call sign of the repeater system you are using (followed by G designating the
gateway), or a remote repeater you wish to talk through.
Understanding these call signs is the key to using D-Star successfully, as they determine the
route your transmission will take through the D-Star system, and where it will eventually emerge.
D-Star Calculator
from Georgia D-Star simplifies this, letting you choose the D-Star repeaters
you want to use from a drop down list, and automatically generating the call signs you need to
enter into your radio, together with a schematic explaining the route and etiquette.
Helpful Videos
Amateur Radio Video News (ARVN) has produced two "YouTube" videos showing you how to
manually program a variety of D-Star radios, and demonstrations of D-Star in action - See
One Touch Reply
When someone calls you by placing your call in the URCALL field the person receiving the call
also needs to program the reverse route into their radio for the reply to be heard! Thankfully, Icom
has provided a facility to do just this: On the IC-91 hand held, press and hold the "One Touch
Reply" button at the bottom right (Marked RX>CS) for one second, the call signs should then be
automatically set.
On the IC-2820 this is more complex: press the
button on the remote panel twice, until the text
appears above the Tone/DTMF hotkey and then press the key. As this operation is too