The Light Weight Engine Houtekietstraat 11
B-8540 Deerlijk, Belgium
page 28
Check smooth running at idle. Run the engine at 1800 RPM and close the throttle to idle
position. The engine should idle smoothly at 800 RPM. For helicopters please contact our team!
When increasing the engine RPM to 1800 RPM and bringing the throttle back to idle the engine
must run smooth and continuously
Fuel Supply
A safe operation of an engine with fuel injection is only ensured if the fuel supply is maintained with
sufficient pressure in the system and flow. Carburettor icing is impossible; vapour lock appears, due to
the high pressure in the system, only under very special conditions. The fuel is sucked out of the fuel
tank, through the pre-filter with the water separator, toward the fuel pump. After the fuel pump the
fuel is pressed through the fine-filter into the common rail system. The injectors get the required
quantity of fuel and the rest is recirculated back again into the fuel tank. A pressure regulation valve
in the recirculation system keeps the pressure of the entire system constant. The permanent
circulation in the system avoids an excessive heating of the fuel in the area of the engine and assure a
permanent and autonomous ventilation of the system.
The rotating propeller is extremely dangerous! Adjustments must be
done with the utmost caution from behind the engine. The aircraft must
be tied down or properly chocked. Do not perform this operations
without a safety observer.