Wireless N H.264 PTZ NeTWork Camera
Wireless N H.264 PTZ NeTWork Camera
liVe ViDeo moNiToriNG From aNYWHere
VersaTile imaGiNG
Capture as much action as possible thanks
to pan/tilt and 10x optical zoom
maXimiZeD eFFiCieNCY
The H.264 codec uses significantly
less bandwidth relative to earlier video
compression technologies
CoNVeNieNT remoTe moNiToriNG
multiple codecs allow you to configure a video stream
compatible with your computer or 3G mobile device
a HiGH-PerFormaNCe sUrVeillaNCe solUTioN
The DCs-5605/DCs-5635 is a high performance camera for professional surveillance and remote monitoring. This network camera features motorized pan, tilt,
and optical/digital zoom for ultimate versatility. The 10x optical zoom lens delivers the level of clarity necessary to identify faces, license plate numbers, and
other important details that are difficult to clearly distinguish using digital zoom alone.
To maximize bandwidth efficiency and improve image quality, the DCs-5605/5635 offers real-time video compression in mJPeG, mPeG-4, and H.264 formats.
The H.264 codec can reduce the size of a video stream by up to 80% compared to motion JPeG. Thus, less network bandwidth and storage space is required.
sUrVeillaNCe oN THe Go
The DCs-5605/5635 supports 3GPP mobile surveillance. a live feed from the camera can be accessed on a 3G cellular network using a compatible phone, PDa
or mobile device capable of rTsP (real Time streaming Protocol) streaming. This enables you to monitor your home or office space in real time even when you
are on the go.
THe PerFeCT maTCH For YoUr NeTWork
Two comparable models are available depending on your unique network requirements. The DCs-5605 includes an ethernet port, while the DCs-5635 offers
both ethernet and 802.11n wireless interfaces. The wireless model offers installation flexibility and freedom of wireless connectivity in difficult locations
without the hassle of running ethernet cables. The wireless camera supports WeP and WPa-Psk/TkiP for establishing secure connections to your wireless
easY To iNsTall aND simPle To maNaGe
The DCs-5605/DCs-5635 can be mounted on a flat surface or with a metal wall mount. manage and monitor up to 32 cameras using D-link’s D-ViewCam
software. You can also set up automated e-mail alerts to be instantly informed of unusual activities. in addition, this network camera supports the Universal
Plug-n-Play feature, which allows computers running on Windows XP/Vista to automatically recognize the camera and add it to the network. sign up with one
of the free Dynamic DNs services available on the web, to assign a name and domain to the camera (for example, mycamera.dlinkddns.com). This way, you
may remotely access the camera without having to remember the iP address.