Managing the DHCP Server
Unified Wired and Wireless Access System
Oct. 2015
Page 131
D-Link UWS User Manual
Managing the DHCP Server
DHCP is generally used between clients (e.g., hosts) and servers (e.g., routers) for the purpose of assigning IP
addresses, gateways, and other networking definitions such as DNS, NTP, and/or SIP parameters. The DHCP
Server folder contains links to web pages that define and display DHCP parameters and data.
Global Configuration
Use the Global Configuration page to configure DHCP global parameters.
To display the page, click
LAN > Administration > DHCP Server > Global Configuration
in the navigation tree.
Figure 56: DHCP Server Global Configuration
Table 48: DHCP Server Global Configuration Fields
Admin Mode
Enables or disables DHCP server operation on the switch. The default value is
Ping Packet Count
Specifies the number of packets a server sends to a Pool address to check for
duplication as part of a ping operation. Default value is 2. The valid range is (0,
2 to 10). Setting the value to 0 disables the function.
Conflict Logging Mode
Specifies whether to enable or disable conflict logging on a DHCP Server. The
default value is Enable.
Bootp Automatic Mode
Specifies whether to enable or disable Bootp for dynamic pools.
Allows the allocation of the addresses in the automatic address pool to the
BootP client.
Does not use the automatic address pool addresses for BootP clients. This is
the default value.