D-Link DSL-2878 User Manual
Section 4 - Configuration
Internet Type:
Displays the current DSL type, either ADSL or VDSL.
Cable Status:
Displays the current cable connection status.
Link Rate:
Displays the currently negotiated connection speed.
Connection Type:
Displays the network protocol used to obtain an IP address.
Network Status:
Displays the current network connection status.
Displays the amount of time the connection has been connected.
MAC Address:
Displays the MAC address of this interface.
IP Address:
Displays the current WAN IPv4 address.
Subnet Mask:
Displays the current subnet mask.
Default Gateway:
Displays the current IPv4 default gateway.
Primary DNS
Displays the current primary DNS server.
Secondary DNS
Displays the current secondary DNS server.
Click the IPv4 button to see the IPv4 information for the DSL interface. If you
have configured your ADSL/VDSL connection to use PPPoE with On-Demand
or Manual settings, you can connect to or disconnect from the Internet by
pressing the Connect or Disconnect buttons.