In the Event Schedule
section, please select "Always" unless you want to exclude certain days
or time periods.
If you ordered an image plan
, then check the radio button "CameraFTP" (which is configured
when you added the FTP server), and select the Attached Media "ImageSnapshot". The camera
will upload image snapshots to cameraftp.
Please note this camera does not support "upload frequency". It will always upload at 1 image/s.
The image resolution is defined in the video profile 1.
If you ordered a video plan
, you just need to select the VideoClip1 as the attached media.
Click Save Settings.
That's all. You don't need to configure the Recording section (which is for local recording only).
6. CameraFTP Viewer
You can disconnect the Ethernet cable if you want to use Wi-Fi. If you need to make changes,
you can run the setup program again to find the camera’s IP address (as it may change with
DHCP), and then access the camera’s Setup pages.
After your camera is setup, you can visit
to live monitor or play back your
recorded footage from anywhere. You can also download CameraFTP Viewer App for iOS,
Android and Windows Phone.