D-D The Aquarium Solution D-Deltec AP Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

D-D aquarium solutions ltd. 


D-Deltec AP Series Skimmer Range and Self-Cleaning Head Instructions. 


Congratulations on your decision to purchase a

 Deltec AP Series Skimmer


Deltec skimmers with their Patented Pin Wheel Impellor are renowned throughout the world and are unsurpassed in their ability to mix 
air and water to produce the fine-bubbled foam that is required for efficient foam fractionation. 


The AP Series skimmers are the ultimate tool for protein waste removal from aquariums and when combined with an automatic 
cleaning head on larger models can clean both inside and outside of the cup and can increase the efficiency by a further minimum 20%. 


Choice of Skimmer: 

The initial choice of skimmer should be determined by the size of the aquarium system and the stocking level. 


Model           High Stocking Capacity    Normal Stocking Capacity      Required Water Throughput    Self Cleaning Head 

   AP 525


450 lts (100 gals)



700 lts (155 gals)


600lts/hr  (133 gals/hr) 

      Not Available


   AP 600


500 lts (111 gals)



750 lts (167 gals)


600lts/hr  (133 gals/hr) 

      Not Available




750 lts (167 gals)



1000 lts (222 gals)


800lts/hr  (178 gals/hr) 

      Not Available     

   AP 850


1000 lts (222 gals)



1500 lts (333 gals)


1000lts/hr (222 gals/hr) 

      Not Available    


   AP 702


1500 lts (333 gals)



2000 lts (444 gals)


2300lts/hr (511 gals/hr) 

      Not Available        

   AP 703


2000 lts (444 gals)



3000 lts (667 gals)


2800lts/hr (622 gals/hr) 



   AP 902


1800 lts (400 gals)



3600 lts (800 gals)


3000lts/hr (667 gals/hr) 

      Not Available    


   AP 1003


3500 lts (778 gals)



5000 lts (1111 gals)


3000lts/hr (667 gals/hr) 



   AP 1004


4500 lts (1000 gals



6000 lts (1333 gals)


3000lts/hr (667 gals/hr) 



   AP 1006


8000 lts (1778 gals)



12000 lts (2667 gals)


3500lts/hr (778 gals/hr) 






When the skimmer arrives it is likely that it has been packed in a disassembled state to prevent damage in transit. Study 

the diagrams attached to reassemble. Always check when screwing the pumps and couplings together that you have fitted the o-rings 
that are supplied with the unit, as without these a watertight joint cannot be achieved.  


Take the opportunity to remove the inlet pipework from the pump and have a look at the Patented Pinwheel Impellor with its ceramic 
shaft. Note the venturi pipe where the air passes into the pump. These are all parts that will require regular cleaning and inspection. Do 
not switch on the recirculation pumps unless the pumps are immersed or flooded with water. 



The whole range of Deltec skimmers are designed so that they can stand either beside the aquarium, in or beside a sump 

or remotely with a return drain back to the system. In all types of installation the water should be able to drain freely from the unit, under 
gravity, into a section of the aquarium system, which is lower than the underside of the return pipe.  


Suitable installations are:

 Pumping from the aquarium and returning water back into the aquarium. Pumping from the sump and 

returning water back into the sump. Pumping from the sump and returning water back into the aquarium. Ensure for this option that the 
over flow system in the tank is large enough to cope with the increased flow.  



 Never install a system that pumps water from the aquarium through the skimmer and then returns it to a low level sump below. If 

the pump returning water from the sump to the tank should lose duty or fail then the sump will become flooded and the tank will empty 
down to feed pump level. In the case of a power cut the system will also siphon to the same level. 


Feed Supply and Return Pipework:

 The skimmer should be provided with water from the aquarium system either under pressure 

from a separate feed pump or by gravity supply. 


For a pumped system use our installation kits or choose a suitable pump and pipe diameter using the table above and connect it to the 
inlet of the unit. Rigid or flexible pipework can be used for this task. Connect up the outlet pipe to allow water to return to the system.  
It is recommended on smaller skimmers that a ball valve is fitted on the outlet pipe to achieve better adjustment of the water level. 


Larger models may come supplied with a coupling at one side of the ball valve to allow the riser tube to rotate for easier installation. 


If gravity feeding the skimmer it is necessary to fit a tee piece to the existing overflow drain to the sump and use the branch to supply 
the skimmer. In order to regulate the supply, a valve should be fitted below the tee. Ensure that the pipe feeding the skimmer is of large 
enough diameter and that there is enough head to provide the proper flow rate. It is unusual to be able to provide sufficient water in this 
manner to supply the larger of the skimmer models. 


Operation and Setting:

 Open the valve on the outlet pipe and allow the skimmer to fill with water then overflow naturally back into the 

system. Check for leaks on the fittings. Close the tap(s) on the air intake pipe(s), plug the pump(s) into a suitable supply and switch on.  


Check that all of the pumps are operating by opening and closing the tap on each air intake in turn. This should produce a stream of 
bubbles into the skimmer body if operating correctly. 


 Do not run for prolonged periods of time with the air taps closed. 


As with all water pumps it is possible to trap air within the body, which will affect the operation and noise produced by the unit. To 
remove this air, switch the pump off and on at the mains a few times until no further air is released.  
Often the pump will be found to run hot at one end. This is often due to trapped air affecting the water-cooling of the ceramic bearing 
and can be reduced by following the above procedures. 


Observe the water level within the skimmer with the air intake valves closed. For all Deltec skimmers the ideal operating level for the 
water is just above the bottom of the black bayonet fitting for the removable cup (A). Adjust the level by opening or closing the valve the 
outlet pipe or by altering the flow through the inlet. If it is not possible to reduce the level below the bayonet then the supply volume is 
too great and should be regulated accordingly. 


Open the air intake tap(s) and set to the 2 o’clock position. The body of the skimmer should now be white with fine dense foam. Leave 
the skimmer to settle down for a day or so before further adjustment to allow the surface of the plastic to wet out fully as until this 
happens the true capacity of the unit will not be achieved. With fresh salt solutions or large water changes it is often common to remove 
significant quantities of clear or pale liquid. This is a conditioning compound found in some salts and will not last for long. 


The level of the initial foam in the skimmer should rise to half way up the skimmer tube. Adjust the taps to achieve fine bubbles within 
the neck of the skimmer. Opening the air intake taps will result in an increased quantity of wetter foam and visa versa. 


During normal operation it is recommended that the skimmer cup is emptied every 2-4 days and that during this operation the riser tube 
into the cup is wiped clean of any fatty deposits as build up of this waste product will greatly reduce the ability for the foam to climb the 
neck. Ensure before removing the cup that the pumps are switched off and that the water level is below the bayonet fitting. Whilst 
cleaning leave the pump switched off, with the taps open, for 10 minutes to allow any salt deposits in the venturi tube to dissolve. 
