MB95710M Series
MB95770M Series
Document Number: 002-09307 Rev. *D
Page 56 of 172
• Operation in stop mode and watch mode
• If the pin state setting bit in the standby control register (STBC:SPL) is set to “1” and the device transits to stop
mode or watch mode, the pin is compulsorily made to enter the high impedance state regardless of the DDR0 reg-
ister value. The input of that pin is locked to “L” level and blocked in order to prevent leaks due to input open. How-
ever, if the interrupt input is enabled for the external interrupt (INT00 to INT07), the input is enabled and not
• If the pin state setting bit is “0”, the state of the port I/O or that of the peripheral function I/O remains unchanged
and the output level is maintained.
• Operation as an analog input pin
• Set the bit in the DDR0 register bit corresponding to the analog input pin to “0” and the bit corresponding to that pin
in the AIDRL register to “0”.
• For a pin shared with other peripheral functions, disable the output of such peripheral functions.
• Operation as an external interrupt input pin
• Set the bit in the DDR0 register corresponding to the external interrupt input pin to “0”.
• For a pin shared with other peripheral functions, disable the output of such peripheral functions.
• The pin value is always input to the external interrupt circuit. When using a pin for a function other than the interrupt,
disable the external interrupt function corresponding to that pin.
18.2 Port 1
Port 1 is a general-purpose I/O port. This section focuses on its functions as a general-purpose I/O port. For details of
peripheral functions, refer to their respective chapters in “New 8FX MB95710M/770M Series Hardware Manual”.
18.2.1 Port 1 configuration
Port 1 is made up of the following elements.
• General-purpose I/O pins/peripheral function I/O pins
• Port 1 data register (PDR1)
• Port 1 direction register (DDR1)
• Port 1 pull-up register (PUL1)
18.2.2 Block diagrams of port 1
• P10/UI0 pin
This pin has the following peripheral function:
• UART/SIO ch. 0 data input pin (UI0)