F2MC-16FX Family, Emulator System MB2198-01 Installation Guide, Doc. No. 002-05547 Rev. *A
1. Introduction
This installation guide will help you to quickly start setting up the MB2198-01 Emulation Hardware for Cypress
16FX Family MCUs and its usage with the Softune Workbench V30L33R08 or higher. For in-depth information
please refer to the following manuals:
MB2198-01 Hardware Manual (Emulator)
MB2198-500 Hardware Manual (Adapter Board BGA416)
Evaluation Board Documentation (e.g. for Flash-CAN-100P-340 v1.1)
At the end of this document you will find a guide of trouble shooting items, in order to perform a quick operation
check of the 16-bit emulation system.