Getting Started with EZ-BT WICED Modules
Document Number: 002-23400 Rev. **
EZ-BT WICED Module Development Setup
shows the hardware and software required for evaluating Bluetooth accessory design. The EZ-BT WICED
evaluation board is a self-contained Bluetooth device that can communicate with either a CySmart iOS/Android app or
the CySmart Host Emulation Tool that acts as a Central device for BLE; and with a standard Bluetooth BR/EDR host
as a master or slave. CySmart Host Emulation Tool requires a BLE dongle (black board in
) for operation.
Figure 10. BT/BLE Functional Setup with EZ-BT WICED Evaluation Board
My First EZ-BT WICED Module Design
section will walk you through a step-by-step configuration and programming
of the EZ-BT WICED Module by creating a simple Bluetooth BR/EDR + BLE application.