Getting Started with EZ-BT WICED Modules
Document Number: 002-23400 Rev. **
CYBT-343026-EVAL is the evaluation board for the CYBT-343026-01 WICED module.
343026-EVAL board and calls out the main components and connections available on the board.
Figure 68. CYBT-343026-EVAL Evaluation Board
Connections not called out on J3, J4, J6, and J7 Arduino-compatible headers are NC (No Connect), where no
physical connection is present between the CYBT-343026-01 EZ-BT WICED Module and associated headers.
CYBT-343026-EVAL includes the following elements:
C . 1 . 1 A c t i v e D e vi c e s
EZ-BT WICED Module: The EZ-BT WICED Module is mounted to the evaluation board as shown in
USB-to-UART bridge device: A USB-to-UART bridge device is provided on the evaluation board to translate USB
communication to UART communication (and vice-versa). For example, when HCI UART communication is
to “On” on SW4, the USB traffic from the Host PC is connected to the HCI UART connections of the
CYBT-343026-01 module.
C . 1 . 2 C o n n e c t o r s a n d H e a d e r s
USB receptacle: The USB connection on the CYBT-343026-EVAL board provides power to the evaluation board
and also provides communication to the board via USB, which is translated to UART communication and routed
to either the HCI UART or PUART connection on the EZ-BT WICED Module depending on the configuration of
SW4 and SW5 on CYBT-343026-EVAL.
Power Supply Option Header (J8): J8 allows for configuration of three different power supplies to the EZ-BT WICED
Module. All power is sourced from the USB connection, as mentioned above, but the power supply directly input
to the CYBT-343026-01 module can be configured to either 2.3 V, 3.3 V, or 3.6 V using the provided three-pin
header. The power supply input is configured by shorting two neighboring header positions on J8 or leaving the
header open.
details the available power supply options and the associated header position connections