enCoRe™ V CY7C643xx, enCoRe™ V LV CY7C604xx TRM, Document No. 001-32519 Rev *H
General-Purpose I/O (GPIO)
Register Definitions
The following registers are associated with the general-purpose I/O (GPIO) and are listed in address order. The register
descriptions have an associated register table showing the bit structure for that register. The bits in the tables that are grayed
out are reserved bits and are not detailed in the register descriptions that follow. Always write reserved bits with a value of 0.
For a complete table of general-purpose I/O registers, refer to the
Core Register Summary on page 24
For a selected GPIO block, the individual registers are addressed in the
Core Register Summary on page 24
. In the register
names, the ‘x’ is the port number, configured at the enCoRe V device level (x = 0 to 4 typically). All register values are read-
able, except for the PRTxDR register; reads of this register return the pin state instead of the register bit state.
PRTxDR Registers
The Port Data Register (PRTxDR) allows for write or read
access of the current logical equivalent of the voltage on the
Bits 7 to 0: Data[7:0].
Writing the PRTxDR register bits set
the output drive state for the pin to high (for Data = 1) or low
(Data = 0), unless a bypass mode is selected (see
Reading the PRTxDR register returns the actual pin state,
as seen by the input buffer. This may not be the same as the
expected output state, if the load pulls the pin more strongly
than the pin’s configured output drive. See
for a detailed discussion of digital I/O.
For additional information, refer to the
PRTxIE Registers
The Port Interrupt Enables (PRTxIE) registers enable or dis-
able interrupts from individual GIPIO pins.
Bits 7 to 0: InterruptEnables[7:0].
These bits enable the
corresponding port pin interrupt. Only four LSB pins are
used because this port has four pins.
‘0’ is port pin interrupt disabled for the corresponding pin.
‘1’ is port pin interrupt enabled for the corresponding pin.
Interrupt mode is determined by the IOINT bit in the
For additional information, refer to the
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
RW : 00
xx An “x” after the comma in the address field indicates that there are multiple instances of the register. For an expanded address listing of these registers,
refer to the
Core Register Summary on page 24
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
RW : 00
xx An “x” after the comma in the address field indicates that there are multiple instances of the register. For an expanded address listing of these registers,
refer to the