CY8CPROTO-064B0S3 PSoC 64 "Secure Boot" Prototyping Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-29505 Rev. *B
Running Code on PSoC 64 “Secure Boot” MCUs
Additional Code Examples
Additional code examples for PSoC 64 device can be found on the Cypress git repository
Note that most PSoC 6 MCU code examples will run on PSoC 64 devices. If you wish to run other
code examples on the existing kit, you can follow the same steps outlined in Section 4.2 to 4.4 with
the alternate project imported into your workspace. There are two alternative flows for this.
1. If you want to re-use existing keys and policies provisioned into the kit, please copy the ‘keys’ and
‘policy’ folder from your existing project workspace into your new project workspace. In this flow,
you will re-use the existing key and policy file to sign firmware and program.
2. If you want to create new keys and policies, please follow the re-provisioning note provided in
Section 4.3, step 5.