“speed+080!+ latitude & longitude” to the authorized numbers ,
it will only send one SMS in 3
minutes in SMS mode when overspeed ; the siren will beep 1 time when overspeed 1 time.
Cancel: Send SMS “password” to deactivate the overspeed alarm.
Note: The recommended speed should be not less than 30km/h. For below that rate, it will be effected
the accuracy by GPS signals drift etc.
Fuel Alarm
When the fuel consumption exceeds the normal standards during driving, or oil theft/leakage when
the vehicle is stopped, the tracker will send "oil: xx% + Geo-info" to the authorized number at
interval of 3 minutes.
The siren beeps 20S.
Cancel: Send SMS command “ nooil+password” to tracker.
Alarms under Arm State
Door Open Alarm
The unit will send SMS “Door alarm+lat/long” to the authorized number at interval of 3 minutes
when the door of the car opens in arm status.
Siren will be sound for 20 seconds, and repeat sound at
interval of 20 seconds if the door is always open
. Disarm to stop this alarm
ACC Alarm
The unit will send SMS “ACC alarm+lat/long” to the authorized number in at interval of 3 minutes when
the engine of the car is turned on, that is the key is rotated to “ACC ON” position to start the car in arm
state; Siren will be sound for 20 seconds, and repeat again at interval of 20 seconds if the ACC always
keep ON. Disarm to stop this alarm.
Built in Acceleration Sensor Alarm
The tracker is built in three axis acceleration sensor, the tracker can detect it in arm state when
the vehicle move, tilt or shock. The alarm way is the same as the external shock sensor alarm.
Disarm to stop this alarm.
The sensitivity of the built-in shock sensor has three different level:
First level: Alarm will be triggered after detect one time slight vibration,
send command" senspspace+1" .
Second level: Alarm will be triggered after detect 8 times vibration in 2 seconds, send command"
Third level: Alarm will be triggered after detect 25 times vibration in 5 seconds, send command"