User manual
Страница 1: ...Bruksanvisning User manual DM8390PRO DM8390RFPRO...
Страница 2: ...Bestickskorg 15 Anv nda diskmaskinen 15 Dosera diskmedel 16 Huvudstr mbrytaren 16 V lj program 17 Starta diskmaskinen 17 terst ende tid 17 F rgindikering 18 Om du vill avbryta eller byta program 18 O...
Страница 3: ...ilmen 34 Justera h jden och skjut diskmaskinen p plats 35 Anslutning till avlopp 36 Anslutning till vatten 37 Anslutning till el 37 Skruva fast diskmaskinen 39 Diskmaskinens sparkpl t 40 Service 41 Te...
Страница 4: ...r mbrytare Installera diskmaskinen se kapitel Installation F r att d refter komma ig ng ppna luckan och tryck p Huvudstr mbrytaren This is a first time set up visas i displayen f rsta g ngen diskmaski...
Страница 5: ...hur maskinen ska anv ndas och f rst de risker som kan f rekomma Reng ring av maskinen f r inte utf ras av barn utan tillsyn Skadad n tkabel f r endast bytas av beh rig fackman Den h r diskmaskinen ska...
Страница 6: ...ontakta n rmaste servicecenter Emballage Emballaget skyddar produkten under transporten Materialet i emballaget r tervinningsbart K llsortera emballaget f r att bidra till minskad r varuf rbrukning oc...
Страница 7: ...dH 3 15 20 fH 9 11 dH 4 21 25 fH 12 14 dH 5 26 34 fH 15 19 dH 6 35 43 fH 20 24 dH 7 44 52 fH 25 29 dH 8 53 70 fH 30 39 dH 9 71 fH 40 dH Om vattnets h rdhetsgrad verstiger 20 dH 36 fH rekommenderas att...
Страница 8: ...medel Du f r ocks ett finare diskresultat med klart och fl ckfritt diskgods V lj dosering av spolglansmedel Doseringen av spolglansmedel kan st llas in fr n 0 Av till 5 H g dosering Vid anv ndning av...
Страница 9: ...nte fyllas p F rvalt fr n fabrik 6 Fyll p salt Lock till saltbeh llaren 1 Skruva bort locket till saltbeh llaren 2 S tt tratten som f ljer med diskmaskinen i beh llarens p fyllningsh l H ll f rst i ca...
Страница 10: ...r l mpligt f r att diska normalt smutsat diskgods och r det effektivaste programmet n r det g ller kombinerad energi och vattenf rbrukning Detta program anv nds f r att bed ma efterlevnaden av EU s ek...
Страница 11: ...v silver och rostfritt b r inte komma i ber ring med varann eftersom silvret d kan missf rgas Aluminium Aluminium kan mattas av maskindisk Aluminiumkastruller av god kvalitet kan dock maskindiskas ven...
Страница 12: ...och ned t Vinglas st lls i vinglashyllan och knivar l ggs i knivst llet till h ger H jning av verkorg 1 Dra ut verkorgen 2 Ta tag i verkorgens sidor med b da h nderna och lyft upp den S nkning av verk...
Страница 13: ...usteras Diska stora tallrikar Flytta vikpinnar samt dess f sten f r att bredda avst ndet mellan pinnraderna f r att anpassa underkorgen till tallrikar med en diameter st rre n 25 cm Bestickskorg St ll...
Страница 14: ...F llbar lucka f r sm prylar Bestickskorgen har en f llbar lucka i mitten f r sm prylar eller smala skaft som till exempel elvispar Bestickskorg med lock SV 14...
Страница 15: ...BS Anv nd endast maskindiskmedel Handdiskmedel f r inte anv ndas eftersom skumbildningen hindrar diskmaskinens arbete Diskmedelstabletter Dela tabletten i tv delar om locket till doseraren r sv rt att...
Страница 16: f r att diska mt liga glas som just anv nts och d rf r inte kr ver ett s kraftfullt program ven porslin g r bra att diska Se ven mt ligt diskgods i kapitel Lasta diskmaskinen Intensiv Ett program m...
Страница 17: ...askinen inte startas eller luckan inte st ngs inom 2 minuter efter senaste knapptryckning st ngs maskinen av terst ende tid N r du valt program visas hur l ng tid programmet tog f rra g ngen det k rde...
Страница 18: ...avslutat forts tter det avbrutna programmet n r diskmaskinen f r str m igen OBS Under torkningen avbryts programmet om str mmen st ngs av eller om luckan r ppen i mer n 2 minuter Efter avslutat progr...
Страница 19: ...0 8 1 45 1 2 2 05 65 C 2 60 C 2 Universal 13 0 1 2 1 20 1 7 1 35 85 C 2 60 C 1 SANI 15 5 1 3 0 45 1 9 1 00 85 C 2 60 C 1 SANI snabb 9 0 1 4 0 55 1 6 1 15 85 C 2 70 C Sj lvreng rning 1 F rbrukningsv r...
Страница 20: ...Espa ol Portugu s Sloven Eesti Latvie u Lietuvi Hrvatski Polish Spr k 1 P Av Eco P Av Kristall Glas Intensiv Snabb Avspolning SANI SANI snabb Sj lvreng rning V lj program 2 Program kan visas eller d...
Страница 21: ...medel Om diskgodset har vattenfl ckar Minska doseringen av spolglansmedel Om diskgodset har en vit bl kladdig film Om diskgodset har r nder Vid skumbildning Om man har mycket mjukt vatten kan man sp d...
Страница 22: ...fH 40 dH Gl m inte att fylla p salt i saltbeh llaren ef ter att du st llt in avh rdaren p 1 9 Vid inkommande vatten med en h rdhets grad under 4 dH 6 fH v lj 0 Avh rdaren inaktiveras och salt beh ver...
Страница 23: ...ser ovanst ende symbol i displayen Lock till saltbeh llaren 1 Skruva bort locket till saltbeh llaren 2 S tt tratten som f ljer med diskmaskinen i beh llarens p fyllningsh l Vatten beh vs bara f rsta g...
Страница 24: ...r tills det klickar till Finsil Det som samlas p finsilen spolas automatiskt av vid varje diskomg ng Reng r finsilen vid behov Reng ringen ska g ras med regelbundet intervall beroende p hur ofta diskm...
Страница 25: bli igensatta Peta bort skr pet med en n l eller liknande Spolarmarna har ven h l p undersidan F r att underl tta reng ringen kan du lossa spolarmarna Gl m inte att montera fast dem ordentligt ef...
Страница 26: ...diskmedelsfacket utan diskgods i maskinen P marknaden finns ven reng ringsmedel anpassat f r diskmaskin tg rda stopp tg rda stopp i avloppspumpen Om det finns vatten kvar i diskmaskinen efter avslutat...
Страница 27: ...ra ur stickkontakten ur v gguttaget 2 St ng av vattenkranen 3 Skruva loss inloppsslangen 4 Dra f rsiktigt ur inloppsslangens yttre sil och reng r den 5 S tt tillbaka silen och kontrollera att packning...
Страница 28: ...Kontrollera att vattenkranen r ppen Kontrollera att yttre silen p inloppsslangen inte r blockerad Se tg rda stopp i inlopps slangens sil i kapitel Sk tsel och reng ring Om problemet kvarst r ring ser...
Страница 29: ...fett p h rt smutsat diskgods t ex Intensiv Felaktigt diskprogram Dosera efter vattnets h rdhets grad Kraftig ver eller underdo sering medf r f rs mrat diskre sultat Felaktig dosering av diskmedel Und...
Страница 30: ...ighet Kontakta diskme delstillverkaren F r h g temperatur och eller f r mycket diskmedel kan orsaka s kallad etsning p kristallglas Detta kan tyv rr inte tg rdas bara f rebyggas S nk doseringen Se kap...
Страница 31: ...vren g rande program Se Sj lvren g rning i kapitel Anv nda disk maskinen Program med l g temperatur r valt under en l ngre tid Eller k r ett sj lvreng rande program en till tv g nger i m naden Se Sj l...
Страница 32: ...llationen Anv nd skyddshandskar Var alltid tv stycken Placera ett l ckageskydd p golvet under diskmaskinen f r att f rebygga eventuella vattenl ckage Innan du skruvar fast diskmaskinen provk r diskmas...
Страница 33: ...diameter Se till att evakueringsh lets kanter r j mna och inte skadar avlopp och inloppsslangen samt elsladden mm Om diskmaskinen r inbyggd m ste inredningen klara eventuell kondens fr n diskmaskinen...
Страница 34: ...dokumentsatsen Skyddsfilmens funktion r att skydda b nkskivan fr n fukt OBS Ytan d r skyddsfilmen ska sitta ska vara ren och torr Justera h jden och skjut diskmaskinen p plats 1 B rja med att m ta h...
Страница 35: ...r skarpa b jar eller att det finns n got som kan skada slangarna 7 Finjustera f tterna diskmaskinen f r luta h gst 5 mm och dra t l smuttrarna p de fr mre f tterna Anslutning till avlopp Denna diskmas...
Страница 36: ...ny utan skarv Ingen del av avloppsslangen f r ligga h gre n 950 mm ver diskmaskinens botten Montera avloppsslangen med en slangkl mma Se till att avloppsslangen inte veckar sig Anslutning till vatten...
Страница 37: ...e Se mt ligt diskgods i kapitel Lasta diskmaskinen Anslutning till el Information om den elektriska anslutningen hittar du p typskylten Dessa uppgifter m ste st mma verens med eln tets data Diskmaskin...
Страница 38: ...Skruva fast diskmaskinen med tv extra skruvar Vid en luftspalt p mer n 3 mm mellan arbetsb nkens undersida och diskmaskinens verkant b r diskmaskinen skruvas fast med tv extra skruvar SV 38...
Страница 39: ...Diskmaskinens sparkpl t Diskmaskinen levereras med en sparkpl t Montera ljudisoleringen endast vissa modeller Montera sparkpl ten SV 39...
Страница 40: ...w cylinda se P hemsidan hittar du ven information om hur l nge reservdelar finns tillg ngliga samt vad du kan reparera sj lv L s kapitel Fels kning innan du kontaktar service Vid kontakt ange uppgifte...
Страница 41: ...ument Information om din produkt finns p www cylinda se d r hittar du ocks en l nk till EU s produktdatabas EPREL Eller g direkt till https eprel ec europa eu F lj instruktionerna f r att s ka p model...
Страница 42: ...ket 55 Using the dishwasher 55 Add detergent 56 The main power switch 56 Select program 57 Starting the dishwasher 57 Remaining time 57 Status indicator 58 Stopping or changing a program 58 If you wan...
Страница 43: ...5 Adjust the height and slide the dishwasher into place 76 Drainage connection 77 Connection to water supply 78 Electrical connection 78 Screwing the dishwasher into place 80 Dishwasher toe kick 81 Se...
Страница 44: ...e dishwasher see the chapter Installation Following this open the door and press the main power switch to start using the machine This is a first time set up is shown on the display the first time the...
Страница 45: ...ave instructions on how to use the machine and understand the risks that can occur Cleaning of the machine must not be carried out by children without supervision Damaged mains cables must only be rep...
Страница 46: ...your nearest service centre Packaging The outer packaging protects the product during transport The packaging material is recyclable Separate the different packaging materials to help reduce raw mater...
Страница 47: ...dH 4 21 25 fH 12 14 dH 5 26 34 fH 15 19 dH 6 35 43 fH 20 24 dH 7 44 52 fH 25 29 dH 8 53 70 fH 30 39 dH 9 71 fH 40 dH If the water hardness exceeds 20 dH 36 fH we recommend connecting an external water...
Страница 48: ...ou use rinse aid You will also achieve a better dishwashing result with clear and spotless dishes Select rinse aid dosage The rinse aid dispenser can be adjusted between 0 Off and 5 High dosage When u...
Страница 49: ...salt is needed Pre selected at factory 6 Top up salt Salt compartment lid 1 Unscrew the salt compartment lid 2 Place the funnel supplied with the dishwasher in the salt compartment top up hole First...
Страница 50: ...rogram is suitable for washing normally dirty dishes and is the most effective program in terms of combined energy and water consumption This program is used to assess compliance with EU legislation o...
Страница 51: ...steel items should not come into contact as the silver can become discoloured Aluminium Aluminium can lose its shine if washed in a dishwasher However good quality aluminium pans can be washed in a d...
Страница 52: ...are placed on the wine glass shelf and knives are placed in the knife stand on the right Raising the upper basket 1 Pull out the upper basket 2 Grab the sides of the upper basket with both hands and...
Страница 53: ...nd pans in the rear right of the lower basket to best utilise dishwashing performance from the rear spray nozzle which is intended for these types of dishes Foldable tines Lower the foldable tines pla...
Страница 54: ...ide each other The cutlery basket is best placed in the middle at the front of the lower basket to best utilise dishwashing performance from the unique spray nozzle which is intended for the cutlery b...
Страница 55: ...ns about the detergent NOTE Use only dishwasher detergent Washing up liquid must not be used as the foam that forms prevents the dishwasher from operating effectively Dishwasher tablets Halve the tabl...
Страница 56: ...fragile glasses that have just been used and so do not require a particularly powerful program Porcelain can also be washed See also Fragile dishes in the chapter Loading the dishwasher Intensive A p...
Страница 57: ...gram the time the programme took when last used is displayed Once you have started the dishwasher the display shows the remaining program time The remaining time is updated after the water for the fin...
Страница 58: ...ower is cut or the door is open for more than 2 minutes Once the program has finished Once the program has finished END appears on the display At the end of the program one short signal will sound Cha...
Страница 59: ...Rinse and hold 15 5 0 8 1 45 1 2 2 05 65 C 2 60 C 2 Universal 13 0 1 2 1 20 1 7 1 35 85 C 2 60 C 1 SANI 15 5 1 3 0 45 1 9 1 00 85 C 2 60 C 1 SANI Quick 9 0 1 4 0 55 1 6 1 15 85 C 2 70 C Self cleaning...
Страница 60: ...Portugu s Sloven Eesti Latvie u Lietuvi Hrvatski Polish Language 1 On Off Eco On Off Crystal glass Intensive Quick Rinse and hold SANI SANI Quick Self cleaning Select programs 2 Programs can be shown...
Страница 61: ...1 2 3 4 5 TAB Rinse aid 7 Increase the rinse aid dosage If the dishes have water marks Decrease the rinse aid dosage If the dishes have a sticky white blue film If the dishes are streaked Build up of...
Страница 62: ...alt in the salt compart ment after you have set the water softener to 1 9 For a water supply with a hardness under 4 dH 6 fH select 0 The water softener is deactivated and no salt is needed Select whe...
Страница 63: ...he display Salt compartment lid 1 Unscrew the salt compartment lid 2 Place the funnel supplied with the dishwasher in the salt compartment top up hole Water is only needed the first time 3 Then add sa...
Страница 64: filter Press it down until it clicks into place Fine filter Debris that collects on the fine filter is automatically rinsed away during each wash Clean the fine filter when necessary It should be c...
Страница 65: ...Holes and bearings can sometimes become blocked Remove any debris using a pin or the like The spray arms also have holes underneath To facilitate cleaning you can remove the spray arms Remember to fi...
Страница 66: ...espoons of citric acid in the detergent compartment with no dishes in the machine Special dishwasher cleaners are also available on the market Remove blockages Unblocking the drainage pump If the dish...
Страница 67: using the main power switch and unplug it from the wall socket 2 Turn off the water tap 3 Unscrew the inlet hose 4 Carefully remove the outer filter from the inlet hose and clean it 5 Refit the fil...
Страница 68: ...ce department Overfilling water 2 F54 Call the service department Circ pump fault F56 Check that the water tap is on Check that the outer filter on the inlet hose is not blocked See Unblocking the inl...
Страница 69: on very dirty dishes such as In tensive Unsuitable dishwashing pro gram Dose according to water hard ness Far too much or far too little detergent results in poorer dishwashing results Incorrect de...
Страница 70: amount of detergent Contact the detergent manufacturer Too high temperature and or too much detergent can cause etching on crystal Unfortu nately this cannot be repaired only prevented Reduce the d...
Страница 71: ...tem perature once or twice a month Or run a self cleaning program See Self cleaning in the chapter Using the dishwasher Low temperature programs have been selected for a pro longed period Or run a se...
Страница 72: ...Table continued from last page Action Possible causes Problem Open the door a little once the program has finished EN 72...
Страница 73: ...during installation Wear protective gloves There must always be two people Place a drip tray on the floor beneath the dishwasher to prevent damage from any water leaks Before screwing the dishwasher i...
Страница 74: the edges of such holes are even to prevent damage to the drainage and inlet hoses and the power cable mm If the dishwasher is built in the surrounding furnishings must be resistant to any condensa...
Страница 75: ...document bag The protective film is to protect the worktop from moisture NOTE The surface to which the protective film is affixed must be clean and dry Adjust the height and slide the dishwasher into...
Страница 76: ...there is nothing that can damage the hoses 7 Make any final adjustments to the feet the dishwasher may lean no more than 5 mm and tighten the lock nuts on the front feet Drainage connection This dish...
Страница 77: ...ith a new hose without joins No part of the drainage hose may be more than 950 mm above the bottom of the dishwasher Attach the drainage hose with a hose clamp Ensure that the drainage hose has no kin...
Страница 78: ...e dishes in the chapter Loading the dishwasher Electrical connection Information about the electrical connection can be found on the serial number plate This specification must match the electricity s...
Страница 79: ...into place with two extra screws If there is an air gap of more than 3 mm between the underside of the worktop and the top edge of the dishwasher the dishwasher ought to be screwed into place with tw...
Страница 80: ...Dishwasher toe kick The dishwasher is supplied with a toe kick Fit the sound insulation only certain models Fit the toe kick EN 80...
Страница 81: ...cylinda se Our website also has information about spare part availability and what you can repair yourself Read the chapter Troubleshooting before contacting the service department Provide the details...
Страница 82: ...www cylinda se where you will also find a link to the European Product Database for Energy Labelling EPREL Or else visit https eprel ec europa eu directly Follow the instructions to search by model n...
Страница 83: ...www cylinda se Ring 0771 25 25 00 endast lokaltaxa Call 0771 25 25 00 Uppge Declare Maskintyp Model code Serienummer Serial number Ink psdatum Purchase date Problembeskrivning Problem description Nam...