Adding Users
To add users to your database, click the ‘Add User’ icon. The following window
will appear.
Enter the name of the user and password, if applicable. At the Automatic Logout
Time field, enter the time in minutes this user can leave a station unattended before
being automatically logged out. Setting the value at ‘0’ makes this feature inactive.
The server list in this window contains all of the servers that you have added to your
system. Using the control and/or shift keys in conjunction with your mouse, click
on each server that you want this user to have access to. Now, right click to bring
up the access window as shown.
Select the access you wish this user to have to the selected server(s). Choose from
no access (the default), view only access, keyboard/video monitor/mouse access
(KVM), or full access (KVM access with power control).
When you have made your selection, click ‘OK’ to save your assignment.