Importing and Exporting
Importing from
the XPDU
If you already have XPDU modules in your system, you may want to import your
server/user information to the XP Administrator for editing and grouping. To do
this, you will need the following:
Access to a PC that is not currently part of your XP4000 Series system
A null modem (cross over) cable connected between your XPDU and the PC
The XP4000 Series OSD Configuration Utility (available for download from
Once you have all of the necessary equipment and software, follow the steps below
to import an existing XPDU OSD database.
From an XP4000 system computer
1. Log in to your XPDU as the administrator.
2. Press Alt-tab twice to reach the Administrator Controls menu. Highlight and
select Configuration Control.
3. Highlight the Configuration Port option and toggle the space bar until ‘external’
is selected. Highlight and select Begin Configuration. The Configuration
Transfer message will be displayed on-screen.
A d m i n i s t r a t o r C o n t r o l s
Program Manager
Switch Alt. User Module
CYBEX Control Panel
Control Alt. User Module
F 1
- h e l p
S p a c e
- c h a n g e
F 11
- m o r e
Confirm Deletes
Menu Activation
System Configuration
Configuration Control
E n t e r
- s e l e c t
C o n f i g u r a t i o n C o n t r o l
Configuration Port
Program Manager
Remote Admin Passwd
CYBEX Control Panel
Begin Configuration
F 1
- h e l p
S p a c e
- c h a n g e
Remote User Module
Direction of Transfer
E n t e r
- s e l e c t