Cyber Eyez 2.5 on Vuzix Smart Glasses
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Manuals from Vuzix
Cyber Eyez is an app. Just like apps on your phone, Cyber Eyez relies on the hardware provided by
Vuzix to operate. That means basic functions like powering it on and off, using the buttons and many
system settings aren’t necessarily covered by this guide about Cyber Eyez. To make sure you get the
most out of your device, please download and review the respective device manuals. We highly
recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Vuzix M100 or M300 device before diving
headlong into Cyber Eyez. Cyber Eyez relies on some features of the glasses that need to be set up,
such as WiFi, for Microsoft Online Reading Assistant, barcode scanning (to retrieve product results),
color identification, online object recognition and mood ring mode to work.
M100 Quick Start & Product Guide
You can download the latest
M300 User Manual
The latest
can be obtained from Vuzix’s website
Button Names
For Cyber Eyez trainings, we always refer to the buttons as number 1, 2 and 3 going from your eye
toward your ear. The one closest to your ear is number 3. Vuzix has changed the names a couple of
times of the buttons depending on the device, hence the reason we use 1, 2 and 3 :).
For the M100 button number 1 is called the “Forward Button,” button #2 is called the “Center Button”
and button #3 is called the “Rear Button.”
For the M300 button number 1 is called the “Forward/Options Button,” button #2 is called the
“Back/Home Button” and button #3 is called the “Select/Return Button.”
©2018 Cyber Timez, Inc.