User Guide
12 - 33
Command Line Interface
© 2020 Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions
Revision 5.0
The DTS1 has only 1 RMC slot. As a result, the -s option is always -s 0.
The rmcctl command performs control tasks on the RMCs, such as partitioning, formatting,
mounting, and requesting removal. When an action is not requested, the current state is reported.
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................................................... Print help message.
.................................................... Print program version.
.................................................... slot number where the RMC unit is located(0). For
all slots, use "A" or "all".
.................................................... Partition number. Ranges from 1-128. Some
operations on all partitions is prohibited.
.................................................... Create 1-n partition(s) on the RMC described
with --slot.
<num parts> Number of partitions on the disk.
<part sizes> Size of partitions can be specified as
percent of disk or sizes in MiB, MB, GiB, GB, TiB
or TB. The minimum size allowed is 100MB. NAS
services, iSCSI targets, and PCAP recordings
need to be inactive, and the RMC / partitions need
to be unmounted to run this command.
........................................................ Necessary due to the destructive nature of --part. All
services, iSCSI targets, and PCAP recordings
need to be inactive, and the RMC / partitions need
to be unmounted to run this command.
.................................................... Destructively clean the disk and any partitions.
........................................................ Necessary due to the destructive nature of --wipe.
All services, iSCSI targets, and PCAP recordings
need to be inactive, and the RMC/partitions need
to be unmounted to run this command.
.................................................... Software encrypt RMC. Passphrase is entered
.................................................. Destructively overwrite S/W encryption information.
.................................................. Gain entry to S/W encrypted RMC. Passphrase is
entered interactively.
................................................... Exit from S/W encrypted RMC.
................................................ Format RMC/partition. May take several minutes.
........................................................ Force reformatting of a formatted RMC / partition.
............................................................... Choose either EXT4 (default) or NTFS. NTFS can
only be used with partitions and RMC USB adapter
to provide compatibility with Windows. This option
can only be used with the -F option.
................................................. Mount RMC/partition.
............................................................... Mount file system. This option can only be used with
the -M option.
t............................................... Unmount RMC/partition.
.................................................... Scan for undetected RMCs.
................................................ Request RMC removal.
................................................ Undo request for removal (-R).
...................................................... Display current state of RMCs.
.......................................................... Assign a service name to partition. Valid names are
NONE, NAS, iSCSI, and iSCSI0/1.