Culligan® Series M2 Reverse Osmosis
Cat. No. 01023095
Time Trigger Flush
In this mode, any time that the system state is in RUNNING, the fast flush solenoid (SV-2, Optional) will open for a speci-
fied number of minutes every specified number of hours. Note that the pump is ON during this flush.
Flow Trigger Flush
In this mode, any time that the system state is in RUNNING, the fast flush solenoid (SV-2, Optional) will open for a speci-
fied number of minutes every specified number of PRODUCT RO water generated. Note that the pump is ON during this
Quality Flush
If this mode is enabled, the product diversion solenoid (SV-3, NOT INCLUDED) is opened as soon as the pump turns on
when the RO system is RUNNING. This solenoid will remain open until the measured product TDS drops below the speci-
fied quality flush TDS setpoint or until the quality flush time period expires. If the TDS does not drop below the setpoint
during this period, the unit will switch to OFFLINE and the “product TDS High” error will be thrown. The Quality Flush sole-
noid valve is wired to the AUX board on the GBE RO controller at terminal AUX4. The solenoid valve must be 24 VAC.
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Figure 9. RO quality flush.
At startup, SV1 opens, and then the pump turns on. SV3 opens while the system monitors the product TDS level. The
user programs the maximum allowable product TDS and the number of minutes allowed following startup to reach the al-
lowable TDS level. Usually at startup, the TDS level starts high and then drops. If the level drops below the allowable level
within the allowed time, then SV3 will close, and the unit is now in service. If the allowable TDS level cannot be reached,
the unit will shut down and generate an error message.
Permeate Flush
If this mode is enabled, the permeate flush solenoid (SV-3, NOT INCLUDED) is opened as soon as the
pump turns off. This solenoid will remain open until the permeate flush time period expires and permits wa-
ter from an optional permeate storage tank to flush the membranes. The Permeate Flush solenoid valve is
wired to the AUX board on the GBE RO controller at terminal AUX4 (G1). The solenoid valve must be 24 Volt.
Figure 10.
RO permeate flush.