Culligan® Series M2 Reverse Osmosis
Cat. No. 01023095
Appendix D Data Port Output
Culligan GBE RO Controller—Data Port Output
The GBE RO controller is used to control commercial RO systems.
This controller has the ability to provide status messages to customer equipment using RS-232 and RS-485 communica-
tion protocols. These protocols are commonly used to send information from the GBE RO controller to either a customer’s
PC or to a building management system or programmable logic controller (PLC). The information is one-way; the GBE
RO controller can send this information out, but the GBE RO controller cannot receive or respond to any commands sent
into the communication port. The GBE RO controller sends a status message every ten minutes. The information is sent
as a short text (ASCII), comma-separated string of letters and numbers such as CULL,009.30,004.60,1,050,096,0,0,0005
0202,00000, 000,10231027.
Reverse Osmosis System Report from GBE RO Controller
The format of the status message is: CULL,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M
Example: CULL,009.30,004.60,1,050,096,0,0,00050202,00000,00000,00000,000,000,000,1023111027
Where the values for the fields A thru J are as follows:
A = current membrane feed-flow rate in gallons per minute (9.3 means 9.3 gpm)
B = current flow rate in gallons per minute
C = Current Operational Status (1=running, 2=standby, 3=offline, 4=error)
D = Current recovery percentage (050 means 50% recovery)
E = Current reject percentage (096 means 96% rejection)
F = Storage Tank Hi-Level Float Switch (0=open/water is below the float switch, 1=closed/water is above the float switch)
G = Storage Tank Lo-Level Float Switch (0=open, 1=closed)
H = Total gallons of delivered product water since new (50202 means 50202 gallons)
I = 1st Error Code present, if any
J = TDS out
K = Temperature
L = Normalized Flow
M = Date and Time. i.e. 102320111027 is Oct 23 2011 (102311) at 10:27 am (1027). Time is in 24 hr format.
Electrical Connections
The Culligan Data Cable Connector is terminated with a D-sub9 style female termination. The customer must provide the
following pin connections:
2 (Output)
RD (this line is required even though no data is sent TO the GROC board)
3 (Input)
TD (data coming FROM the G Series RO Controller board)
5 (Signal gnd)
The GBE RO controller sends data at the following rates:
Bits Per Second: 9600
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None