Press to record measure
Scan barcode
Send data record
Append; save data
Backspace; power on/off
Power On/Off
To turn on the device, once press .
To shut down the device, press for approximately 3 seconds, then release when
“power off” is indicated on screen (or 5 beeps are heard).
All buttons can be used for navigation
under menu mode except for .
Exterior Overview
Battery Compartment
Tape Tip
USB Portal
Charge Light
Rubber Boot Protective
Tape Cassette
Tape Tip
Cubetape PRO Quickstart Guide
Return to Last Recorded Data
Press several times until the cursor is in the length field;
Press will display the last recorded measurement on screen.
The append function enables the operator to sum three measurements of length together, especially
when the item length is longer than the 3 meter tape.
After measuring length 1, press to append;
Measure length 2 and length 3;
Record appended measurement by pressing or ;
The length recorded will be the sum of length 1, 2 and length 3.
Insert Pallet
While the cursor is in the length field, press or to insert the default pallet length and width.