Power sTeerinG
Zero-Turn Posi-steer™ power steering is at your fi ngertips to get
the job done faster with effortless turning (on select models). The
530 sWe features heated hand grips for additional comfort and this
function is optional on all other 500 series models. smart thinking
to take on all conditions.
cool BlUe™ sKid shoes
our revolutionary cool BlUe™ skid shoes glide along surfaces for
better maneuverability. The advanced, long-lasting material won’t
rust or mar your driveway. easy operation makes for smoother
clearing of your driveway.
sinGle-hand chUTe conTrol
4-way chute control allows you to quickly and effortlessly change
the direction and pitch of the snow you throw with one hand, so you
don’t waste time. You will spend less time in the cold as you control
where you want the snow to be thrown.
†See specifi cations for warranty information.
innoVaTiVe FeaTureS For an incrediBLe eXPerience.
ThaT’s The cUB cadeT adVanTaGe.
500 series
snow Throwers
524 we
524 Swe
526 Swe
528 Swe
530 Swe
UP To 30" clearinG
21" inTake HeiGHT
in-DasH HeaDliGHT
4-WaY sinGle-HanD
cHUTe conTrol
12" sTeel aUGer
anD iMPeller
cUB caDeT
4-cYcle enGine
cool BlUe™
skiD sHoes
3-Year liMiTeD
1-Year liMiTeD
every one of the 500 Series Snow Throwers is built to clear the impact of winter’s biggest storms. innovations
like zero-Turn Posi-Steer™ power steering, heavy-duty steel augers and powerful cub cadet
oHV 4-cycle
engines mean these snow throwers start quickly and move effortlessly through the harshest conditions. The
high-impact polymer chute makes clearing heavy snow and ice easy, so you’re out of the cold faster.
More Power To oUTsMarT winTer’s worsT.
ideaL For moderaTe
To HeaVY, deeP Snow
and wide areaS.
ideaL For moderaTe
To HeaVY, deeP, weT
Snow, SLuSH, ice and
wide areaS.
LocaTe a deaLer aT
innoVaTionS no one eLSe can deLiVer. an eXPerience no one
eLSe can maTcH. ProVe iT To YourSeLF wiTH a TeST driVe.