Crystal Vision
Control Descriptions
These controls (3GS and 3GS-20 models only) set the source and type of reference
for the synchroniser and set the video output standard.
Genlock Source
Select either the SDI video input or the
reference input as the reference source
for the synchroniser output. Select ‘SDI
Input’ if the reference signal is missing
or of a different standard to the input.
Select ‘Reference Input’ to time the
video output to house reference.
Reference Type
Select to use either analogue tri-level
signal or Black and Burst for the
synchroniser reference input.
Select the source for the synchroniser
reference during periods when the
reference input signal is incompatible
with the input video standard. This
control is only activated during the
periods of incompatible reference. The
synchroniser will return to using the
selected genlock source when the
reference returns to compatibility.
Select ‘Follow Input’ for the output
standard to be the same as the genlock
source. This is the normal mode of
operation. Select ‘User Set’ to force the
output video to be the standard selected
below it, regardless of the selected
genlock source. Beware that the frame
synchroniser will attempt to generate
the selected output standard which will
produce a disturbed video output if the
video input is of a different standard.
Only normally use this control when
using ViViD 3G to internally generate
black, blue or bars with the ‘Force
Output’ controls of the ‘Output
Configure’ menu.
ViViD 3G User Manual R1.4
19 January 2021