Crown PZM-30D Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1


Specifi cations







 Pressure Zone Microphone.


Electret condenser.

Frequency response: 

 20 Hz to 20 kHz.  See Fig. 1.  

Polar pattern:

  Hemispherical when used on a fl oor, 

wall or ceiling.

Open circuit sensitivity:

  7 mV/Pa*  (–43 dB re 1 


Power sensitivity:  

–43 dB re 1 mW/Pa.  EIA sensitiv-

ity –135 dBm.


  240 ohms, balanced.  Recommended 

minimum load impedance 1000 ohms.


 20 dB equivalent sound pressure level,     


S/N ratio:

  74 dB at 94 dB SPL.

Maximum Sound Pressure Level:

  150 dB SPL at the 

microphone produces 3% THD.


  Positive pressure on the diaphragm pro-

duces positive voltage on pin 2 with respect to pin 
3 of the output connector.

Operating voltage:  

Phantom power, 12 to 48 volts 

DC, positive voltage on pins 2 and 3 with respect 
to pin 1 of the output connector.

Current drain:

  1.1 mA.


Male 3-pin XLR-type.



PZM-30D: None supplied; use 2-conductor 
shielded microphone cable. 
PZM-6D: Permanently attached 15-foot (4.58-m) 
black cable with XLRM connector. Model 
PZM-6DS2 has a 6-foot (1.83-m) cable, and can 
be special-ordered from your Crown dealer.


Frequency-response select switch for rising 

or fl at response.




 6.5 ounces (184 grams).



PZM-30D: 6 in. x 5 in. x .75 in. (15.2 cm x 12.7 cm 
x 1.9 cm).  See Fig. 2. 
PZM-6D: 3 in x 2.5 in. x .375 in. (7.62 cm x 6.35 
cm x .95 cm). See Fig. 3.

Included accessories:  

PZM windscreen, carrying 


Optional accessories:

  PH-1A phantom power supply 

(1 channel, battery or AC-adapter powered).

Fig. 2  

Low-frequency response depends on size of surface.


he Crown




-30D is a Pressure Zone 



 and the PZM-6D is a Pres-

sure Zone Microphone. Both are designed 

for professional  recording, sound reinforce-
ment and broadcasting. It has many applica-
tions, from miking full orchestras or individual 
musical instruments to security or teleconfer-

Each mic has a switchable dual frequency 
response: rising (R) or fl at (F). The “rising” 
position adds brilliance. This makes it useful 
wherever a crisp attack is desired, such as on 
percussion, drums, or piano. The user can 
get a bright sound without boosting high fre-
quencies on the recording console; the result 
is lower noise. The “fl at” position provides a 
smooth, fl at, high-frequency response for natu-
ral sound reproduction.

The PZM-30D is sturdy and reliable because it 
can be used with a rugged detachable cable. 
The PZM-6D has a smaller plate. Its low pro-
fi le, unobtrusive appearance is appreciated in 
conference rooms, as well as on television, 
fi lm and video productions. When suspended 
over an orchestra on a clear panel, the PZM-6D 
practically disappears. Its miniature, perma-
nently attached 15-foot cable also reduces 
visual clutter. Model PZM-6DS2 has a 6-foot 
cable, and can be special-ordered from your 
Crown dealer.

The output of either mic is a male 3-pin XLR-
type, balanced and low impedance, which 
permits long cable runs without hum pickup or 
high-frequency loss.

Like other Pressure Zone Microphones, the 
PZM-30D and PZM-6D utilize the Pressure 
Recording Process in which a miniature con-
denser microphone capsule is positioned very 
close to a sound-refl ecting plate or bound-
ary. The capsule is mounted in the “Pressure 
Zone” just above the boundary, a region where 
sound coming directly from the sound source 
combines in phase with sound refl ected off 
the boundary. The benefi ts are excellent clarity 
and "reach," a hemispherical polar pattern, un-
colored off-axis response, and a wide smooth 
frequency response free of phase interference.

Operating Instructions

The PZM-30D and PZM-6D feature self-con-
tained electronics which allows them to plug 
directly into a standard 12-48 VDC phantom 
power supply.

Available from Crown is a single-channel AC/
battery phantom-power supply, model PH-1A. 
For special applications, you can make your 
own battery supply as suggested in Fig. 4.

*1 pascal = 10 dynes/cm


 = 10 microbars = 94 dB SPL.

Fig. 1

Frequency in Hz



      Legend  ––––––––––  RISING


      - - - - - - - - -   FLAT

Frequency Response


Pressure Zone Microphone design prevents 
coloration from surface sound refl ections

Choice of fl at response or rising high-     
frequency response


PZM-30D uses a rugged detachable cable. 
PZM-6D is smaller, lighter, and has a per-
manently attached cable

   Hemispherical pickup pattern

PZM-30D Dimensions


