Crown CDi 2 | 600 Amplifier Addendum
This guide provides instructions on how to setup and configure a Crown CDi2 | 600
amplifier and landscape speaker system.
• 1x Crown CDi2 | 600 amplifier
• 1x Amplifier addendum
• 5 x Spade Lugs
• 2 x 6-Conductor Audio Input Phoenix Connectors
• 5 x Rack Screws
• 1 x 8-Conduct GPIO/Aux Phoenix Connector
• 1 x Power Cord
The Crown CDi 2 | 600 has two modes of operation and can be used to drive both low
impedance and high impedance speakers on separate channels, simultaneously.
In low impedance mode the total combined speaker load on the amplifier cannot be lower
than 2Ω per channel (4 x 8Ω speakers wired in parallel)
In high impedance mode (70V/100V) the total number of speakers that can be driven by
the amplifier is determined by the total available amplifier power per channel and the
total combined sum of each speakers tap settings per channel. To determine the total
combined load on the amplifier, use this chart:
For 70V/100V installations, we recommend leaving 20% of additional headroom (using
only 80% of the rated power of the amplifier). For the Crown CDi 2| 600 this would be
600W X 80% = 480W
Speaker Tap
Setting (A)
Ch1 Qty (B)
CH2 Qty (C)
Ch1 Total
(A x B)
Ch2 Total
(A x C)
Sub Total
Total Watts