Страница 1: ...Owner s Guide _ Gas Range with Self Cleaning Oven FOR CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE CALL 1 800 688 1120 8113P15 05 9 _oo3 ...
Страница 2: ...ssistance Immediately call your gas supplier Maytag Customer Service from a neighbor s phone Follow the P O Box 2370 Cleveland TN 37320 2370 gas supplier s instructions 1 800 688 1120 If you cannot reach your gas supplier In our continuingeffortto improvethe quality and call the fire department performanceof our cooking appliances it may be necessaryto make changesto the appliancewithout revising ...
Страница 3: ...e Childrenshould be taught that an vaporsand materials applianceis not a toy Children should notbe allowedto play with If applianceisinstallednear a window properprecautions controlsor other parts of the unit should be taken to prevent curtainsfrom blowingover burners CAUTION NEVER store items of interestto childrenin cabinets above NEVER leaveany items on the cooktop The hot air from an appliance...
Страница 4: ...n mayspreadthe flame electrical shock NEVERweargarments _ 2 _ _ _ madeofflammablematerial orloosefittingorlong Alwaysplacea panona surfaceburnerbeforeturningit hanging sleeved apparel on Besureyouknowwhichknobcontrols whichsurface whilecooking Clothing may burner Makesurethe correctburneristurnedon andthat igniteor catchutensil theburnerhasignited Whencooking iscompleted turn handles burneroffbefo...
Страница 5: ...TION Do not leave food or cooking utensils etc i are easily hitor the oven duringthe self clean cycle reachedby small Children It is normalfor the cooktop of the rangeto becomehot during a self cleancycle Therefore touching or lifting 1 Neverlet a pan boildry as this could damagethe utensil cooktopduringa clean cycle shouldbe avoided andthe appliance Followthe manufacturer sdirectionswhen usingove...
Страница 6: ...ress and hold hen or pad until correct time appearsin display 3 To delaythe start of cooking Thetimerfeaturedoesnotoperatethe oven PressSTOP TIME pad then and enterthe timeyou Thetimercanbesetfrom1 minute OHR 01 upto 99 wishthe ovento turnoff hoursand59 minutes 99 59 Ovenwillautomatically turnonandoffatthe preselected Thetimerwillstartautomatically Flashing colonindicates times Beepswillsignalthee...
Страница 7: ...rinthe 2 Press or padto display after4 seconds selectthe optionnumber youwish The currenttime of daywillreappearinthe displayafter4 seconds The Control Lock Outfeature preventsthe ovenfrom being turned on To activate 1 Pressand heldboth STOPTIME and and The 12 HourEnergySaverfeatureautomatically turn CANCELpadsfor 3 theovenifitwas accidently left onfor 12 hours To seconds deactivate thisfeaturesot...
Страница 8: ...ark from the ignitorto light the burner There are two ignitorsfor conventionalsurface burners Each sealed burnerhas itsown ignitor Oncethe burner lights turn the knobto the desiredsetting The clickingsound will not stop untilthe knob is turned from the LITE position 3 Afterthe burnerlights turnthe knobto the desired flamesize The ignitors willcontinue to sparkuntilthe Ignitor knobisturnedfromthe L...
Страница 9: ...flame settingis usedthan neededto maintain a gentle operating soundofthe burner boil Remember waterboilsatthe sametemperature whetherboiling gentlyorvigorously Use LO to simmeror keep foodsat servingtemperatures Adjustthe flame size so it does not extend beyond Fv the edge of the cooking _ utensil This isfor pers nal __L_ safetyand to prevent possibledamageto the appliance pan or cabinets abovethe...
Страница 10: ...ver occurs A soiled burnermay result in improper ignitionor an unevenflame When cleaning the sealed surface burner use care to prevent damageto the ignitor If a _j _ cleaning cloth should catch the ignitor it could be _ damaged or broken To remove Allowthe burnerassembly to cool Liftup _ __ Lip cooktop Grasp the burner assemblyand rotate it slightly j Ports toward the left to releasethe two tabs o...
Страница 11: ...l pan combinedor sandwichedtogetheras a bottom coating with asmoothflat bottom straight sides and atight fitting lid Cast Iron slowheat conductor Cooks evenly once Cookwarewith uneven warped or grooved bottomsdo temperatureis reached Heavy Needsseasoningto m not make good contactwith the heatingsurface will cleaning easier and to prevent stickingand rusting reduceheat conductivityand result in slo...
Страница 12: ... i _ If door is locked duringa cooking operation the Cone incenter issmaller operationwill be canceledand if oventemperature is above 400 F the internal lockingmechanismwill engage The door can not be unlockedand opened until the oven has cooled Cone approx 1 2 inch The oven burner cycleson and off to maintainthe oven temperaturefor baking The broil burnerturns on for broiling and cycleson and off...
Страница 13: ...l increaseby5 untilthe oven reachesthe preselectedtemperature Pressthe BAKEpadto recall the preselected temperatureduring preheat 4 Allow8to 15 minutesfor the ovento preheat A single beep will indicate thatthe oven has preheated The PREHEATindicatorwillturn off 5 Placefood in the oven 6 Check cooking progressat the minimumcooking NOTE See pages 13 14 and 15for additional time Cook longer if needed...
Страница 14: ...dinthe recipe If necessary continue Bottom browningmay be darker if food is located checking at intervals until the food is done Ifthe oven toward the bottom of the oven door is openedtoo frequently heat will escapethe oven this can affect baking results andwastes energy When usingtwo racksfor baking allow enough space betweenthe racksfor properair circulation Browning If you add additional ingred...
Страница 15: ...t preheated Panstouching eachotheror oven walls Incorrectrack too brown on bottom position Incorrect useof aluminum foil Placed2 cookiesheetson onerack Use _ glass dark stained warpedordullfinishmetalpans Usea shinycookiesheet Followcookware manufacturer s instructions for oventemperature Glassware anddad cookware suchas Ecko sBaker sSecretmayrequirelowering theoventemperatureb 25 F Excessive shri...
Страница 16: ...Michigan Avenue drippings thus allowing better heat circulation for even Chicago Illinois 60611 or call 1 600 368 3138 cooking As the fat on top of the roast melts the meat is Approximate Oven Approximate Weight Temperature Internal RoastingTime Cutof Meat pounds in F Temperature min per lb Beef Rib Roast cut side down 4 to 8 325 F 145 F medium rare 25 35 160 F medium 30 35 Rib Eye Roast 4 to 6 35...
Страница 17: ...splay 4 Pressor press and hold orV padto enter oven then temperature NOTE Beeps will soundif temperature is not set within 4 seconds 5 IFYOU WISH TO DELAYTHE STARTOF COOKING if not skipto 6 a PressSTOPTIME pad STOP TIMEwill flash in display then b Presser press and Ilold ory padto enter time of day you wish ovento turn off c PressCLOCK pad Time of day will reappear indisplay d DELAYBAKEwill remain...
Страница 18: ...lectLO broilfor lowtemperaturebroilingof _ LO longercooking foodssuchas poultry BROIL SYMBO 3 Therewill be a 4 seconddelay beforetheoventurns on Whentheoventurnson The BROILsymbol willlightindisplay 4 Placefood inthe oven Oven door is closedfor broiling 5 Turnmeat once abouthalf waythroughcooking 6 PressCANCELpad Removefood andbroilerpan from the oven _me of day will reappearin display ...
Страница 19: ...wning place meat closer to the broil flare ups Improper use may cause grease fires burner Place meat further down if you wish meat to be well done or if excessive smoking or flaring occurs For easier clean up line the broiler pan with foil and spray See Care and Cleaning Chart on page 21 for instructions the insert with a non stick vegetable spray Do not cover on cleaning the broiler pan and inser...
Страница 20: ...essCLOCK pad and time of day will reappearin display d DELAYCLEAN will remainin displayto show the oven is set for delayedclean operation 5 Whenthe oventurns on CLEANand the CLEAN CLEAN SYMBOL I symbolwill light in display LOCK will light in display when oven heatsto 400 Internal lockwill engage Door cannot be unlocked andopenedwhenLOCKis displayed i lFI UU DELAY CLEAN 6 About one hourafter the cl...
Страница 21: ...mp cloth to displayed removeash To preventdamage do not clean gasket locatedonoven door If soilremains the clean cycle Gasketseals inheatduring the Somesmokeand odormay be may nothavebeenlongenough cleancycle detectedthefirstfewtimesthe oveniscleaned Thisis normal Wipeovenrackswitha small andwilllessenintime amountof vegetableoilif racksdo Topreventexcessive smokeor notslideeasilyaftercleancycle f...
Страница 22: ...allowed ticpadorsponge to accumulate it maydamagethefinish Liquidcleaner 3 To cleanremovegratesand surfaceburnersand cleanwithsoap and Glasscleaner water rinseanddry Controlknobs Soapand water For easeof cleaning turn offknob and remove bypullingforward Mildliquidsprays 1 Wash rinse anddry Do notuseabrasivecleaningagentsastheymay Glasscleaners scratchthefinishandremovethe markings 2 Turnoneachelem...
Страница 23: ... madeof porcelain coated steel They canbe cleanedat the sinkwithsoapandwaterorinthe dishwasher 2 Tocleanbaked onsoil placea dampsoapypapertoweloverthe grate and let standfor 30 minutes Use a non abrasive plasticpadto scour stubborn soil Metalfinishes Soapandwater 1 Washwithsoapand waterora glasscleaneranda softcloth such as brushed Glasscleaner 2 Topreventscratching ordulling of thefinish donotuse...
Страница 24: ... pad Burner must be dry before use NOTE Yellow tipping or distortion of th_ Mildlyabrasive flamemay occur until the burner is completelydry cleanser Clean burner ports with a straight pin or small metal paper clip Do no enlargeor distort ports Do not use awooden toothpick as it may break of andclogport Ifportsarecloggedor soiled the burnermaynot lightproperly or the flame may not be even Conventio...
Страница 25: ...arefully pushback on each support rod to releasethe notchedsupport Then gently lowerthe top into place The support rods will slide into the cooktopframe CAUTION Before replacingthe light bulb DISCONNECTPOWERTO RANGE Be sure the bulb iscool Donot touch a hot bulb with a damp cloth as the bulb may break The sealed burner cooktopis designedwith two contour wellsto catchand contain spills Becauseof th...
Страница 26: ...m spongy withuse Usethecorrectsizecookingutensilto avoidboilovers To removelift off door Openthedoorto the stop Neverplacecookwareor aluminumfoildirectlyonthe position openedabout6 inches andgraspthedoorwith ovenbottom bothhandsat eachside Do notusethedoorhandleto lift Placea pieceof aluminum foilthatis slightly largertha thedoor Liftup evenlyuntil the doorclearsthe hinge thepanonthe ovenrackdirec...
Страница 27: ...f cooking on two racks use rack positions4 and 2for the front end of the rack up slightly Slide it back until it cakesandrack positions 4 and 1when using cookie clearsthe lock stopposition Lowerthe front and slidethe sheets Neverplace twocookie sheets on one rack rack straightin Pull the rack outto the lock stopposition to be sure it is positionedcorrectlyand then return it to its If roastinga lar...
Страница 28: ...rpose of developing flavor Deep fry Tocookfoodinhotfatdeepenough andimproving appearance forfoodto floaton it Scald Toheatliquid justtobelow theboiling Fry To cookfoodoverhighheatina small point amountof fat See also deep fry pan fry saute Simmer Tocookfoodoverlowheatinaliquid justbelowtheboiling pointinwhichbubbles Pan Tocook covered inverysmallamount form slowly and collapsejust belowthe of liqu...
Страница 29: ...ve stem Adjust flame size by turningadjustmentscrew in _ eitherdirection Always disconnect power to appliance before servicing The three pronggrounding plugoffers protectionagainst shock hazards DO NOTCUT OR REMOVETHE THIRD GROUNDINGPRONGFROM THE POWERCORD PLUG Flamemustbe ofsufficient sizeto bestableonall burner ports If flame adjustmentis needed adjustONLYon the If an ungrounded two holeor other...
Страница 30: ...of of purchasedate sale_ the change will be displayed receipt will be needed 3 If youare not able to satisfactorilyresolvethe compla_ with the local response call or write to MaytagCustomer Service P O Box 2370 Itis not necessaryto readjustthe oventemperatureif there Cleveland TN 37320 2370 is a power failure or interruption Broiling and cleaning 1 800 688 1120 temperaturescannotbe adjusted 4 If y...
Страница 31: ...sted rangeattimeofinstallation withLPgasis normalandacceptable Surfaceburnerignitor a controlknobisin the LITEposition a besureALLsurfaceburnercontrol productingclicking sound NOTE The lifeof theignition knobsareintheOFF position or are systemmay be shortenedifthe adjusted to thedesiredflame knob is left inthe LITEposition setting b surface controlswitch is moistas a b allow switchto dry then reli...
Страница 32: ...n page13 over browning Oven smokesexcessively a foodtoo closeto burner a move broilerpan down one ra during a broiloperation position b meat hastoomuchfat b trimfat c sauceappliedtoo earlyormarinade c applysauceduringlastfew minute not completelydrained of cooking If meat has been marinated drainthoroughly befon cooking d soiled broiler pan d always clean broiler pan and inse after each use e broi...
Страница 33: ...10 12 26 29 BeefSteaks 1_ 2 rare 8 9 6 8 14 17 Fresh medium 11 12 10 12 21 29 well 18 20 15 18 33 38 Chicken Broiler 180 20skin 15skin Split Quartered internal down up 35 FishFillets Fresh 1 6 7 4 5 10 12 Frozen 1 8 9 5 7 13 16 Hamburger 1 2 rare 5 6 4 5 9 11 Fresh medium 6 7 4 5 10 12 well 9 10 5 6 14 16 Hamburger 1 2 Frozen medium 9 10 5 6 14 16 Hamslice 314 150 160 9 10 7 8 16 18 precooked inte...
Страница 34: ...bebakedas CUT IN Todistribute solidfatinflourorflour soonasmixed sincethesodastartstoreact mixture byusing pastryblender ortwoknives assoonasitcomesincontactwiththeliquid scissor fashion until flour coated fat BARBECUE Toroastorbroilfoodona rackor particles are ofdesired size spitovercoals orunder a heatunit Thefood DICE To cut food into very small pieces is usuallybrushedwith a highlyseasoned abo...
Страница 35: ...flouris milledfromtheentirewheatkernelwhilerye OREASE Torubsurface ofdishorpanwithfat flour ismilledfromtheryekernel Cakeflour to keepfoodfromsticking is milledespecially forcakesandotherlight bakedproducts Forbestresults alwaysuse 6ARNISH To adda decorative touchtofood the flour calledfor in the recipe In recipes as with parsley croutons or prepared callingfor all purpose and wholewheator vegetab...
Страница 36: ...To cutintoverysmallpieces using TRUSS To securepoultrywith stringor knife food grinder or blender or food skewers to holditsshapewhilecooking processor VINEGAR Anacidliquid used forflavoring and PEEL Toremoveoutercovering offoodsby preserving Among thetypes Cidervinegar trimming awaywithknifeorvegetable peeler madefrom applejuice has a mellowfruit or by pulling off flavor distilled whitevinegar us...
Страница 37: ...NG DISH 9 inch pie plate 9 x 1 inch layer cakepan 7 x 3 x 21 4inch loaf pan 6 CUPBAKING DISH 8 or 9 x tlh inch layer cake pan 10 inch pie plate 81hx 31 x 2 2 8 inch loaf pan 8 CUPBAKING DISH 8 x 8 x 2 inch squarepan 11 x 7 x 11hinch bakingpan 9 x 5 x 3 inch loaf pan I0 CUP RAKING DISH 9 x 9 x 2 inch squarepan 113hx 71hx 13 4 inch bakingpan 15 x 10 x 1 inch jelly roll pan 12 CUPRAKING DISHANDOVER 1...
Страница 38: ...s than 11hto 2 inchesfrom each otheror oven walls 5 Warped darkor dullfinished5 Use even bottomed shiney pan includeglass pans for light browning Too brownon top 1 Ovendoorsopentoo often 1 Opendooronlyafter foodhas beenbakedfor shortestre commended bakingtime 2 Overmeasuring 2 Use standardmeasuring fats sugars liquids cups 3 Oventemp too low 3 Doublecheckrecipefor cur rect oventemperature 4 Pan si...
Страница 39: ...pefor correctoven or too low temp and correcttype of utensil glass utensils re quire lower temperature 4 Pan too largefor amounto 4 Use recommended baking batter utensil 5 Too muchor too little liquid 5 Use standardmeasuring utensil Moundor peakedcenter 1 Bakingtime too long 1 Checkfoodafter shortestre commended bakingtime 2 Oventemperature too high 2 Checkrecipefor correct oven temperature 3 Pan ...
Страница 40: ...king 5 Checkfood after shortest recommended bakingtime 6 Undermixing 6 Checkrecipe Uneventextureholes 1 Bakingtime too short 1 Checkfoodsafter shortest and tunnels recommended bakingtime 2 Improperrack placement 2 Checkrack positionbefore startingand while oven is _ cold 3 Not bakingimmediately Always 3 bake immediately after mixing 4 Oventemperature too high 4 Checkrecipefor correct oventemperatu...
Страница 41: ...ngtheproperpan Is it bright notsoiledor darkcolored Haveyouusedfoilduringcooking or to lineyouroven Areyouusingstandard measuring utensils OVEN WILLNOT OPERATE Didyouturntheselector andthermostat switches to correctpositions Clocks areknobsin correct positions Seesection on clocksandtimers OVEN UGHT WILLNOT WORK Is yourbulbburned out Is yourbulbloose NEED SERVICE WHEN YOUR RANGE REQUIRES SERVICE O...