FlipTop Power Center – International Version
Cables Threaded Through the Cable Plate
Ensure that any cables you install have sufficient clearance to enable smooth
movement. Allow approximately 1 meter (40 inches) from the top surface of the
FlipTop box.
Surface Mounting
The FTI-PWR-D is designed to mount in a horizontal surface, such as a desk top,
lectern, or podium. The following diagram illustrates the required opening size to
accommodate the FTI-PWR-D. Use the template supplied with the FTI-PWR-D
(4508463) to make the cutout.
Cutout Dimensions for the FTI-PWR-D (Not Actual Cutout Template)
Be sure to feed the attached power cord and all required cables through the
mounting hole before inserting the FTI-PWR-D.
FlipTop Power Center – International Version: FTI-PWR-D
Operations & Installation Guide – DOC. 6797B