Crestron Isys™
15 Inch Lectern Touchpanel
15 Inch Lectern Touchpanel:
Crestron Isys™ TPS-6000L
Functional Description
The Crestron Isys™ TPS-6000L is a 15-inch (38.1-cm) XGA (1024 x 768) display
suitable for lectern or wall mount in any Crestron remote control system (herein
referred to as the Cresnet system). The unit operates in a 16-bit graphics mode
(65,536 colors); palettes are not required. When displaying video or RGB sources
with the appropriate expansion card installed, the TPS-6000L can display up to
262,144 colors. There are two TPS-6000L models. The only difference between the
two units is that one has a black bezel (TPS-6000LB) and the other has a white bezel
The purpose of the TPS-6000L touchpanel is to replace large, complicated hard-
wired panels in either a Cresnet system or an RS-232 system with a series of simpler
screens each specific to the control problem at hand. Thus, very large number of
functions can be made available to the user without the confusion associated with
hardware panels of that complexity. Icons, graphics, and text can dramatically
increase any user's comprehension of the control environment. Devices, functions,
and control zones are quickly organized and more easily accessed. The TPS-6000L
touchpanels offer:
Three non-interchangeable card slots for expansion
Memory upgrade
Built-in microphone and speakers for sound
Pop-up sub panels to reduce memory requirements, providing optimal
speed and performance
Multi-mode objects are here!
Refer to "VisionTools™ Pro-e
(Multi-Mode Objects)" on page 19
for details about this high-
performance innovation!
Multiple button, slider control, and icon configurations,
including multi-mode objects
Up to 4,000 functions and unlimited screens
Fast graphics performance: imported photographs, drawings, and icons
Support for downloadable fonts – proportional and non-proportional
Foreign language text
Operations Guide - DOC. 5825
15 Inch Lectern Touchpanel: Crestron Isys™ TPS-6000L