15 Inch Lectern Touchpanel
Crestron Isys™
dream, come true. For more examples including the one described in this Operations
Guide, refer to the MULT-MOD.ZIP file. It is available from the Downloads page
(EXAMPLES Library) on the Crestron website (
. This file
contains the VT Pro-e touchpanel files and SIMPL Windows files that illustrate the
high-performance capabilities of multi-mode objects.
Not every VT-Pro-e object possesses the multi-mode feature. Only those objects that
lend themselves to valid applications are capable of multiple modes. These objects
Border – Permits multiple indirect text, text position, font, frame, and
Button – Same as a border for inactive states as well as active states,
multiple graphic and graphic positions.
Clock – Permits multiple formats and colors.
Digital Gauge - Permits multiple formats and colors.
Gauge – Same as digital gauge as well as line, bars, and 2-D lines.
Legend – Same as borders for inactive and active states.
Percent – Permits multiple formats.
Slider – Same as gauge.
Time - Permits multiple formats, colors, and styles.
Programming with SIMPL™ Windows
VisionTools Pro-e (VT Pro-e) is a Windows compatible software package
for creating Crestron touchpanel screen designs. Refer to "VisionTools™ Pro-e
(Multi-Mode Objects)" on page 19 for additional details regarding VT Pro-e.
SIMPL (Symbol Intensive Master Programming Language) is an easy-to-use
programming language that is completely integrated and compatible with all
Crestron system hardware. The objects that are used in SIMPL are called symbols.
SIMPL Windows offers drag and drop functionality in a familiar Windows
SIMPL Windows is Crestron Electronics' software for programming Crestron control
systems. It provides a well-designed graphical environment with a number of
workspaces (i.e., windows) in which a programmer can select, configure, program,
test, and monitor a Crestron control system.
The next two subsections describe a sample SIMPL Windows program that utilizes a
TPS-6000L touchpanel. The first subsection details how the sample program works
with a textual description and block diagram. The second subsection provides a
broad description of how to actually create the SIMPL Windows program.
The following description assumes that the reader has knowledge of SIMPL
Windows. If not, please refer to the extensive help information provided with the
There is no need to recreate the sample SIMPL Windows program. A
similar copy of this program is available from Crestron’s ControlCD (version 6.2 and
later). Search for the TPS-6000.SMW project in the SIMPL Windows Example
Base. A copy can also be obtained from the Downloads page (EXAMPLES Library)
of the Crestron website (
. New users are required to register in
order to obtain access to the FTP site.
15 Inch Lectern Touchpanel: Crestron Isys™ TPS-6000L
Operations Guide - DOC. 5825