Problem Solving
Refer to the troubleshooting tables in each of the individual device Operations
Guides to resolve trouble situations. If further assistance is required, please contact a
Crestron customer service representative by calling:
In the US and Canada, call Crestron’s corporate headquarters at
1-888-CRESTRON [1-888-273-7876] or 1-201-767-3400.
In Europe, call Crestron International at +32-15-50-99-50.
In Asia, call Crestron Asia at +852-2341-2016.
In Latin America, call Crestron Latin America at +5255-5093-2160.
In Australia, call Crestron Pacific at +613-9480-2999.
For local support from exclusive Crestron factory-trained personnel in New Zealand
call Amber Technologies at +649-410-8382.
Future Updates
As Crestron improves functions, adds new features, and extends the capabilities of
the CNX-AUDIO-6PAK, additional information may be made available as manual
updates. These updates are solely electronic and serve as intermediary supplements
prior to the release of a complete technical documentation revision.
The Downloads page of the Crestron website (
) directs the reader
to the location and description of each update. Check the site periodically for update
availability and its subjective value.
Six-Zone Audio Package: CNX-AUDIO-6PAK
Operations & Installation Guide - DOC. 8169