Using Sound Blaster Live! 9
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Sound Blaster Live! Experience presents an interactive introduction to Sound Blaster Live!
To run SB Live! Experience, bring your pointer to the top of the screen to display Creative Launcher,
click the Sound Blaster Live! tab, and then click the SB Live! Experience icon. On the opening screen,
click to select the topic that interests you.
Use Creative Diagnostics to test your audio card’s Wave, MIDI, or CD Audio playback, as well as the
recording function and speaker output.
Creative Launcher presents immediate access to Creative applications.
The Creative Launcher is installed at the top of your screen. If it does not appear, move your mouse
pointer to the top of the screen. As the pointer reaches the top of the screen, it changes to a pointing hand
and the Creative Launcher displays as a bar window. The Launcher consists of the System Menu icon
(the Creative logo at the top left corner), the web site icon, the group tab pages, and the group items. The
EAX icon also appears in the right corner.
To set the options for the Launcher:
1. Click the System Menu icon
on the Launcher.
2. On the System menu, click Properties. The Properties dialog appears.
3. Select or clear the desired options.
4. Click the OK button to apply the changes to the Launcher.