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eD S10
Controller Functionality
The controller has a wide range of capabilities that can be utilised using the Configurator V2 application.
The controller can perform actions called triggers. These triggers can be called from Inputs, Lists, and schedules. The
following table shows the available triggers. If a controller is connected to the Configurator V2, the program will read
the line properties and allow for check box selections depending on the installed protocol.
Input/Output Functions
There are 12 inputs available on the eDIDIO, of which 4 can be selected as optically isolated outputs. Each input has
an associated action for short and long press, or low and high press if latching. Short press is > 50ms and < 400ms.
Long press is > 400ms, with a repeat of 200ms if continually held down.
The input can be associated to an action above, or if multiple actions are required, call an associated list of actions.
Up to 40 DALI Inputs can also be configured.
Lists allow for multiple actions to occur at the same time or delayed if necessary. The list actions can call commands
over multiple DALI and DMX
Lines, for example.
Step 1
LINE 1 DALI Group 0 to MAX, Step 2
Arc Level 50%
There are 32 lists available with 256 steps in each, for a total of 8196 steps. A delay is available from 0s, up to 960
minutes. Any actions that occur with 0 second delays will be sent as soon as possible, but keep in mind real world
restrictions. I.e DALI requires ~20ms to send a message.
There are 10 schedules available allowing for interrupt driven alarms to be set. Schedules can call any action, such as
All DALI Line 1 Group 0 0% at 6pm Every weekday
. Schedules can be configured to repeat every day, or on specific days.
Two burn-in timers are available, allowing for individual burn-in control for different groups or lines. Burn-in prevents
the DALI commands for sending any level which will cause a fade. Any level of 1 or over will cause the light fitting to
go to MAXIMUM, while counting down until the number of hours is reached and normal operation can resume.
DALI Actions
Other Actions
Arc Level
Arc Level
On/Off (Arc Level) Toggle
Min, Max, Off
Min/Max Toggle
Fade Up, Fade Down, Step Up/Down
Store, Recall, Reset User Level
Recall Scene
Change Profile
Enable/Disable Input/Sensor
Run Preset Code
Start/Stop List
Enable/Disable burn-in
Spektra Control (Start/Stop/next)
Output Control