Loudness Contour
Along with the envelope generator, the
amplifier controls the progression of the
volume level of the sound.
The first envelope segment. During the
attack phase of the envelope the volume
reaches its maximum level. This setting
adjusts how quickly the level is reached.
The second envelope segment. During the
decay phase of the envelope the volume
falls to the level set by the Sustain control.
If the Decay switch in the Controllers
section is set to "on", the time setting here
is applied to the envelope’s release phase.
The third envelope segment. This is the
volume level at which the sound is held at
the end of the decay segment.
The fourth envelope segment. This is
enabled only when Decay is switched on.
There is no direct controller for the release
phase. In the release phase the envelope
falls to its minimum value, silencing the
sound. The rate at which it falls is
determined by the Decay setting.
The amount of modulation of the envelope
as influenced by key velocity. This setting
controls the envelope peak level between
minimum and maximum depending on how
hard you strike the keys on your keyboard.
This controls how much your playing style
(aggressive or gentle) influences the
volume level of the sound.
Overall volume level of the synthesizer.
This control is located before the effects
section, so it can also be used to control
the effects in order to, for example, avoid
distortion in the Flanger at high feedback