Duration of the first envelope segment. In
the attack phase the cutoff frequency
increases to its maximum value in the time
adjusted here. Adjust the amount of the
increase with the Amount of Contour
control. The maximum value is determined
by the adjusted cutoff frequency and the
Amount of Contour setting.
The duration of the decay segment. In the
decay segment, the cutoff frequency falls
to the sustain level. If the Decay switch in
the Controllers section is set to "on", the
time setting here is applied to envelope
The envelope’s third segment. This is the
level held after the decay segment
completes. The actual cutoff frequency is
determined by this value and the Amount
of Contour setting.
The fourth envelope segment. This is
enabled only when Decay is switched on.
There is no direct controller for the release
phase. In the release phase the envelope
falls to its minimum value. This is the value
set by the Cutoff parameter. The rate at
which it falls is determined by this setting.
The amount of modulation of the envelope
as influenced by key velocity. This setting
controls the envelope peak level between
minimum and maximum depending on how
hard you strike the keys on your keyboard.
This controls how much your playing style
(aggressive or gentle) influences the tone
Filter Modulation
Enables additional filter modulation. The
Modulation Mix section serves as the
modulation source. The signal can come
from Oscillator 3, Noise, or a combination
of both. The Modulation Wheel controls the
intensity of the modulation.
Keyboard Control
Cutoff Keyfollow is enabled in two stages.
With the first switch, the cutoff frequency
follows the keyboard position at 1/3 octave
per keyboard octave. With the second
switch the cutoff frequency follows the
keyboard position at 2/3 octave per octave.
With both switches turned on, the cutoff
frequency rises by an octave for each
keyboard octave.