- All other received
channel messages
(e.g., modwheel, pitch bend, etc.) are
echoed directly to the output at all times
and have no particular pre-defined effect
upon the arpeggiator. (Of course, as with
all Noah devices, you can assign MIDI
controllers to various controls on the
Control via the MIDI
A range of MIDI note numbers can
optionally be dedicated to real-time control
of a selected set of arpeggiator functions
via the MIDI input (see Big Buttons
Group, MIDI Kbd Ctrl ). This permits
these controls to be used more effectively
in real time, as the response via the MIDI
keyboard (in contrast to that of the
corresponding graphical buttons) is
virtually instantaneous. The numbers in
parentheses next to various buttons on
the surface indicate the MIDI note
numbers currently assigned to each of
these buttons or its associated
performance function. These assignments
can be changed via the MIDI Kbd Ctrl
Options group on the additional page.