Extend 2: Same as Extend 1, but new
notes push old notes out of the chord
buffer once the specified note capture limit
n (adjustable via the adjacent text fader)
has been reached.
Note capture can thus continue indefinitely
– the chord buffer always contains (at
most) the last
n notes captured. Therefore,
the rhythm of the arpeggiator output also
remains fixed as new input notes are
captured, once the limit has been reached.
The note capture limit can be set to any
value between 2 and 16 notes and can be
adjusted while the arpeggiator is running.
Scan Mode
This control selects the basic method
used to scan the captured chord and
determine the next note to be played. The
currently selected scan pattern (see
below) produces a specific variation on
the selected scan mode. The scan mode
setting can be changed at any time.
Note Order: Scanning of the captured
chord is done on the basis of the time
sequence in which the notes were
Note Number: Scanning of the captured
chord is done on the basis of note
numbers – e.g., from lowest note to
highest note.